✍ - |[ Great Benefits of Forsaking Sins ]|

📌 - Shaykh al-Islam Imam Shamsuddin Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, may God have mercy on him, mentions the following benefits of forsaking sin:


mprovement of manners.

Protection of honor.

Protection of status.

✨ Protection of wealth, which Allah Almighty has made as a means for the interests of this world and the hereafter.

Love of creatures

✨ Getting a chance to talk to people.

Life improvement.

Relaxation of the body.

Heart strength.

✨ Good mood.

Chest expansion.

✨ Peace from the perils of the transgressors.

✨ Lack of worry and sadness.

✨ Protecting the self from humiliation.

Protect the light of the heart so that the darkness of sin does not extinguish it.

✨ Finding a way out of these straits that make it difficult for fisaq and fajar to get out.

Getting sustenance from where you don't expect.

Something becomes easy that is difficult for some sinners.

Doing good deeds becomes easy.

✨ Acquiring knowledge becomes easy.

People get good praise and prayers.

The face becomes radiant.

Heart-pounding awe comes.

People defend when hurt. They defend his honor at the time of backbiting.

Prayer is accepted soon.

Fear is removed from between God and Him.


Angels get close.

The devils of jinns and humans run away from him.

People strive to serve him. Want his love and companionship.

He does not fear death but rejoices that he will meet his Lord.

The world is despised in the heart.

The hereafter becomes great, the worry of attaining the great kingdom of the hereafter is overwhelming.

He tastes the sweetness of obedience.

✨ Gets the sweetness of faith.

The bearers of the throne and the angels around him pray for him.

✨ The scribes pray for him.

Wisdom, understanding, faith and knowledge increase.

✨ The love of Allah and the joy of Allah on your repentance.

✨ Allah Almighty gives him such a joy in return, compared to which the joy of sin is nothing.

If you die, the angels announce heaven.

We give good news that there will be no more fear and sorrow for him.

✨ From the narrow prison of this world, one of the big gardens of the Hereafter is transferred to the Garden until the Day of Resurrection.


✨ There will be no heat and sweat on the Day of Judgment.

✨ When the people turn away from reckoning, it will be taken to the right with Mu'taqeen.


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