Motivation for blogging / 今のモチベーション (English & Japanese)


I have been away from blogging for a little while now. The reasons for this are many, including lack of sleep due to my increased shifts and being tired of talking to my rebellious eldest son. I have been on this platform for a few years now, but I have not always been an active writer, and there have been times when I could write and times when I couldn't. The last couple of months have been those (non-writing) times.

In the past few days, my desire to write has been growing, so I subscribed to InLeo premium for further motivation.

This month, I want to write for three main purposes.

To support @akipponn

My Friend @akipponn will be joining the Hive Fest in September. She is currently saving up $HBD while posting on the Hive blog to purchase the ticket. She has already saved enough to purchase a Plankton ticket, but she will continue to save her $HBD to purchase a Regular ticket. Cool! So I hope I can help her purchase the ticket.

It is not a bad idea to support by direct remittance. However, if possible, I will use Hive's Beneficiaries feature in the hope that I can continue to support her while maintaining my motivation to post. My author rewards are quite uneven, sometimes good, sometimes bad. But with the number of times I'll do it, it will be worth it. So I'm going to set @akipponn as my 20% beneficiary of my posts for the whole month of July.

Still, I feel that Hive, which has such functions as a matter of course, is still a wonderful or cool... or human chain.

To grow @hive-ja

Last fall, I launched a Japanese language community (Hive JA) in order to increase the number of Japanese users on Hive. We have created a community support account, received HP delegations from Japanese users and people who kindly support this community, and upvote Japanese-related posts daily.

However, I don't feel that we are successfully reaching our initial goal of increasing the number of Japanese users. Even if new writers come to us from time to time, it is difficult for them to earn rewards, and their motivation goes down. I think there is a lack of external promotion, but the problem is that even if we promote and get them to come, if they don't get paid, they quit.

This is just my own feeling, but I have long thought that if I could get paid $1 for writing an article in Japanese only, more people would be interested in writing on Hive. For this to happen, I need more power in the community support account @hive-ja. We also need more resources to hold events to attract new users.

So last month I started to increase the frequency of posting with @hive-ja, distribute HSBI shares sponsored by @hive-ja, and so on. However, at the moment, my own account is in a better position to reap rewards than the support account, so I can grow faster by delegating the HP gained on my own account to @hive-ja.

Of course I will continue to post from the community support account and will do my best to help it grow on its own. At the same time, I would like to make more use of the @go-kyo account for community growth.

To participate in Bitcoin Tokyo 2024

I will be attending Bitcoin Tokyo 2024 in Shibuya, Tokyo in September 2024. This is the first international conference in Japan dedicated to Bitcoin, and I have already purchased my ticket.

There will be several programs and events to experience Bitcoin Lightning payments on the day of the event, so we need to have Sats ready in our Lightning wallets. I am hoping to save those funds by blogging on Hive. A few months ago, when I wrote the article "How do I convert $HBD to $BTC with the lowest possible fees, preferably anonymously?" on Hive, someone told me "v4v .app" as a way to convert $HIVE and $HBD into Lightning $BTC. I have since performed the transfer from Hive Wallet to Wallet of Satoshi twice and it was very easy.

I know how to do it, all I have to do is post and save $HBD.


These are the reasons why I want to write now, specialize in "rewards," but of course writing is important to me not only for that, but also to organize my thoughts and set direction. Interacting with people in comments and Threads is also very beneficial to me. I am consciously trying to carve out time this month to get back to Hive.

The InLeo team has prepared a monthly prompt for July as well, and I hope to participate if there is a topic I can write about here as well.






@akipponn さん応援のため

@akipponnさんが9月に開催されるHive Festに参加されることになりました。彼女はチケット購入のため、現在Hiveブログに投稿しながら$HBDを貯めています。既にPlanktonチケットを購入できる額は貯まっているとのことですが、このまま$HBDを貯めてRegularチケットの購入を目指すそうです。カッコいい!!!というわけで、私も彼女のチケット購入をサポートできればと考えています。

送金も良いですが、できれば私の投稿へのモチベーションを維持しつつ、継続的に応援できればという思いから、HiveのBeneficiaries機能を利用する予定です。私の著者報酬はかなりムラがあり、良いときも悪い時もあります。でも回数を重ねれば、それなりに支援できるんじゃないかと思うので、7月いっぱいは @akipponn さんを20%の受益人に設定しようと思ってます。


@hive-ja を育てたい

昨年の秋にHiveにもっと日本語ユーザーを増やしたいと思い、日本語コミュニティ(Hive JA)を立ち上げました。コミュニティサポートアカウントを作成し、日本人ユーザーの方や、このコミュニティを応援してくださっている方々からHPのデリゲーションを頂き、日々日本語関連の投稿をUpvoteしています。


これは私の勝手な感覚ですが、もし日本語だけで記事を書いて$1の報酬を得られたら、書いてみたいと思う人は増えるのではないか、というのは以前から思っているところです。そのためにはコミュニティ支援アカウント @hive-ja にもっと力が必要です。新規ユーザー獲得を狙ったイベント等を開催するにしても、もっと原資が必要です。

そこで先月から @hive-ja での投稿頻度を増やす、@hive-ja がスポンサーとなってHSBIシェアを配布するなどの取り組みを始めました。ただ今のところ支援アカウントよりも自分自身のアカウントの方が報酬を得やすい状態にあるので、個人アカウントで得たHPを@hive-jaにデリゲーションしていく方が、早く成長させることができます。


Bitcoin Tokyo 2024 に参加するため

2024年9月に東京・渋谷で開催される Bitcoin Tokyo 2024 に参加できることになりました。日本初のビットコインに特化した国際カンファレンスで、チケットは購入済みです。

当日はライトニング決済を体験するプログラムがあるため、ライトニングウォレットにSatsを用意しておく必要があり、私はその資金をHive ブログで貯めたいと思っています。以前、Hiveで「 How do I convert $HBD to $BTC with the lowest possible fees, preferably anonymously?」 という記事を書いた際、$HIVEや$HBDをライトニング$BTCに換える方法としてv4v.appを教えてもらいました。その後、2回ほどHive WalletからWallet of Satoshiへの送金を実行していますが、とても簡単でした。





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