A lot happened - My highlight of the week! / いろいろあった週 (English & Japanese)



A lot happened this week. I get tired when my schedule is full, and this week has been quite eventful and I am actually tired right now. However, there were some interesting experiences and I would like to leave them as “highlights of this week”!

Overnight trip to Yamanashi Prefecture

My husband's colleague invited us to Yamanashi Prefecture for a one-night stay on Sunday and Monday. The details of why he invited us are not clear to me either. It seemed that the maisonette he had arranged for themselves was unexpectedly large and that he had an extra room, so we were welcome to join him.

However, his wife was there, as well as the mothers of both, and even his nephew! I couldn't help but wonder why they had invited me and my sons, who were strangers to them, not to mention my husband, who was a direct acquaintance. I honestly felt a bit uncomfortable because I couldn't do much to help. I felt sorry for his wife, who was so quick, efficient, and hospitable.

At the same time, I felt as if I had been exposed to a new set of values. In Japan, there is an expression “kazoku mizuirazu,” which refers to a situation in which only family members and close relatives gather together without the presence of others, and it is almost certainly used in a positive sense. On the other hand, it is often considered uncouth or bothersome for a stranger to enter a place where only members of the family are spending time together.

However, the people we spent one night and two days with this time did not seem to have such a view at all. They seemed to think that families have their own stresses, and that family relationships can be smoothed out by including other people in moderation. I did not hear that clearly, though.

During our stay, I kept wondering if we were a distraction to them. But if we were a distraction, they wouldn't have invited us in the first place, and now I wish I had relaxed a bit more.

Assets in the tax-exempt accounts have decreased significantly

Our family has money invested in four tax-exempt accounts: iDeCo for me and my husband, Junior NISA for our elder and second son. I had linked the information of these four accounts to “Money Fowerd,” an asset management app, so that I can keep track of the total amount. Each account holds S&P 500 and global equity index funds.

And when I opened the app Friday morning, I found that the total amount in those four accounts was down significantly from yesterday. In the past, I had seen as much as -200,000 yen in one day compared to the previous day. I remember that I was quite nervous at that time, but this was the first time I had seen such a large negative figure.

However, all accounts are long-term investments, so there is nothing we can do because of the drop. Also, it is only a “day-to-day” minus, not a minus against the invested amount, so I am not losing money 😅.

Still, the fact that I was able to stay calm during this big drop is due to the fact that I have had horrible experiences trading bitcoin and other grass coins in the past. Thank you so much, cryptocurrencies!

My father came from my hometown

My father leaves for Taiwan from Narita Airport today for a trip today. While he was there, he stayed overnight at our house in Tokyo. To tell the truth, this was also decided suddenly last weekend.

He arrived around yesterday evening. After that, we waited for my elder son to come home from juku and went out for a dinner together. Yesterday was also the closing ceremony of the elementary school, so we also had a party to say goodbye to the first semester.

My father is now a pleasant old man, but in the past he was always in a bad mood, and our parent-child relationship was not good, if not bad at all. However, maybe it was after he retired from work, or after the birth of his grandchild, or after my grandfather passed away...his personality has become more rounded, and we are gradually able to have conversations.

It is also probably significant that having spent about 10 years as a corporate employee myself, I can now imagine how stressful it must have been for my father, who was a bank employee at the time.

My father had dinner at a suppon restaurant, which I will introduce later, and took a cab home. After breakfast at a nearby family restaurant this morning, he headed for the airport.

I ate softshell turtle for the first time

For the first time in my life, I ate softshell turtle. In Japan, it is called "Suppon".

I am not a fan of trying unfamiliar tastes, and I don't usually eat unusual foods. However, since my father was visiting today and my husband had made reservations at the restaurant, I decided to try it.

The meat of the softshell turtle was like chicken, and did not seem as turtle-like as I had imagined, or as characterized by any noteworthy taste or texture. My second son was so interested that he ate the sashimi of softshell turtle heart with ginger and soy sauce (by the way, I could not eat the sashimi).

On the other hand, my elder son's expression clouded over as soon as he saw the sashimi, and he said he would never eat it. He looked at the softshell turtle hot pot with eyes as if he were looking at something terrible.

At the end of the meal, when porridge made from turtle soup was served, he said it was delicious and ate it, but... the turtle dish seemed to be a bit of a shock for him.


These are my highlights of the week! It was a week of relatively new or unusual experiences. I was definitely tired and a bit sleepy, but I was able to update the Hive blog okay, and it was a good, active week.

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