How People React to Small Mistakes


I always see how people react when stuff goes wrong even a little bit. And it tells me a lot about them.

When there is something minor that goes wrong, such as coffee spilling or bus missing, some individuals just laugh it off. “Well at least it is not a big deal”, they would say and then walk away. I really like this aspect of their personality because it shows that they never allow small things to ruin their day. I try to be the same way but sometimes it’s impossible.

Some go crazy over trifles though. It kills them when the internet slows down, for instance. I understand that slow internet connection can be frustrating but should one get angry? No! There are more important things in our lives than every single bit of anger.

There was once when I went to a restaurant and the waiter mistakenly spilt water on me; rather than shouting or making a fuss about it, I laughed about it instead. That wasn't such big a deal after all. However, there was someone at an adjacent table who got so pissed off due to some small mistake. They started demanding for their money back out aloud, causing attention for everybody else in the room including me then finally he left them all and returned his wrath upon the poor waiter who was serving him out of ignorance


How we respond to small misfortunes reveals a lot about our nature. It will determine whether we are adaptable or rigid, easygoing or uptight. I prefer being someone who takes things as they come. Sometimes, it is not worth getting all worked up after every little bump in life.

Nonetheless, there is nothing wrong with feeling frustrated or annoyed at times. We are only humans anyway. The manner in which we manage these emotions holds the key. Are they allowed to engulf us or do we acknowledge them and move on?

When faced with minor issues, I’ve discovered that keeping calm can make them easier to deal with. Anxious feelings compromise our decisions, making us more prone to errors but when calm-headed we think better and solve problems faster.

This also depends on how you look at it. That’s why I always remind myself not to sweat the small stuffs because what may seem like a disaster in moment often turns out to be nothing in the final analysis of things and life is too short for unnecessary stressors.

Those who can handle small slips with grace tend to be happier. They don’t let small hitches hold them back but instead, they concentrate on the bright side and move forward. I find this quality in people worth admiring and that is why I work on it every day to possess it myself.

Who we are as individuals is displayed by our reactions to little things going wrong at the end of the day. This demonstrates our values, attitudes towards life and perspective about life.. We should therefore choose to react gracefully, with a sense of humor or with resilience. It’s not what happens that defines us; rather it is how we choose to react that does.

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