This is a Post to Help Raise Funds for People with Chronic Illnesses

Full credit for the idea and rewards will go to @spoonies.

An Opportunity to Help People with Chronic Illnesses

A couple of months ago, a new account was created with the specific purpose of raising funds for charities which help people with chronic illnesses. It would use curation rewards and dividend-paying tokens to help increase its earnings so that it would be a self-sustaining charity operation.

Additionally, this account would curate content (comments and posts) by authors with chronic illnesses in order to support them. It also gives HSBI to people who participate in reblogging its content, and gives Ecency Points away in frequent contests!

According to the owner, she made a promise to donate $20 per month worth of cryptocurrency to the Open Medicine Foundation, which would include her own funding if she is unable to obtain a sufficient amount from the spoonies account. So far, she’s already made 2 donations and provided proof: 1 2

It’s very easy, and frankly appropriate, to be skeptical of scams on Hive, but thus far the donations have been genuine and went to the promised foundation.

Sometimes, it’s the least fortunate who seem to be the most willing to help others out the most. However, we on Hive have the power to assist such an operation simply by providing our votes – which costs us no more than a moment of our time and a touch of generosity.

We can play our part in helping her reach her $20 per month goal. Fortunately, since my posts are currently receiving some substantial votes, I am taking advantage of this fact to help contribute to a good cause. I hope you’ll be willing to contribute your own vote to contribute to this charitable cause.

Note: I'm aware that the content of this post is almost identical to a previous one. I hope you can forgive this, since 100% of proceeds are, indeed, going towards the aforementioned charity account.

Conclusion / The Power of Community

Let’s come together for this important cause. I’ve said it once before, but I think it’s worth repeating:

Showing how Hive has been used to help people in difficult situations would be a great source of pride for the community in general, and show a great use case for Hive. It's interesting to think that we have the power to change lives for the better with a new currency that, at one point not too long ago, was simply programmed into the world! This was practically unthinkable less than a generation ago.

Are there any other charity-based accounts of which you know that are worth investigating? Did I forget to add the correct beneficiary again? 😂

I would love to hear any and all opinions about these topics from everyone who is currently a member of FreeCompliments, since you’re all inaugural members! Anyone else who finds this page is also very welcome to voice their opinion. We’re all about free speech, and everyone’s experience has value.

More posts with further ideas incoming soon!

Follow our curation trail and earn 1 HSBI per month!
And here’s a permanent invite link to the FreeCompliments Discord!

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