Motivational Mondays and Fun Fridays: Ideas To Increase Post Engagement on the FreeCompliments Community!

As per the suggestions of several members, and my experiences on forums with free-flowing topics, I think it would be useful to introduce some themed days for posting. While my goal for FreeCompliments was to increase commenting engagement, we first need more posts on which to comment!

As the FreeCompliments Community account grows to have a more valuable vote, themed posts may get a slightly higher vote percentage in order to encourage posting, yet would still be based on quality.

While the topics are themed on certain days, this does not mean that these themes are not permitted on other days. It’s just an incentive to encourage posting! All topics are allowed on all days.

In maintaining consistency with prior ideas, any posts which delegate a certain percentage to the FreeCompliments Community account would receive an Ecency Boost of at least 150 points ($1 worth of votes). This percentage is still to be determined.

Motivational Mondays

Post any story, poem, meme, video, picture, etc. that you found motivational or you think would motivate others! If it’s your own content, let us know. If it isn’t, then it’s advisable to share the source. It’s also absolutely ok to repost content that you shared elsewhere on Hive.

Simply make sure to title the post with “Motivational Mondays” in the title.

Fun Fridays

Post any story, poem, meme, video, picture, etc. that is fun. Ideally, show or tell us about something fun that’s happened to you this week! It would be a fun way to start off the weekend on a high note and reflect on the positive aspects of the preceding week. Once again, it’s also absolutely ok to repost content that you shared elsewhere on Hive.

Simply make sure to title the post with “Fun Fridays” in the title.


Keeping in line with the FreeCompliments’ community of spreading joy, Motivational Mondays and Fun Fridays are a couple of ideas for themed days – these are not exclusive days for posting such content, but may be rewarded slightly higher than normal in order to encourage participation!

What do you think? Are there any other themed days you would suggest?

I would love to hear the opinions about these methods of increasing engagement from everyone who is currently a member of FreeCompliments, since you’re all inaugural members! Anyone else who finds this page is also very welcome to voice their opinion. We’re all about free speech, and everyone’s experience has value.

@wesphilbin @jamerussell @thekittygirl @crrdlx @stayten @bambukah @corvidae @ijelady @blacardi @sequentialvibe @eddylight @deraaa @jhymi @stdd @ganjafarmer @raj808 @ndk.focus @saffisara @melinda010100 @uthantzin @palomap3 @lady-bellar @tikki00taffi @fizz0 @jerrytsuseer

More posts with further ideas incoming soon!

Disclaimer: FreeCompliments will be a beneficiary for this post, and I will attempt to boost it via Ecency points as well.

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