A Novel Idea to Increase Engagement on FreeCompliments

As we build this new community, new ideas serve as its foundation. Here’s one which occurred to me as a potential booster of our focus on encouraging engagement with posts:

A Novel Method of Curation

The FreeCompliments community page will use its Hive Power to vote on every single comment and post that appears on the community, as well as mentions of the community and a #FreeCompliments tag on LeoFinance’s Threads feature (except for rule-breaking posts, i.e. illegal content). Comments and posts will be curated/voted based on subjective quality, but as long as it’s within the rules, it will absolutely get a vote from the page. While this community is young, I would likely be in charge of such curation. I understand that this will be subject to my personal biases, and it is an issue that I will address in the future.

Initially, the votes will be rather weak in value. As the FreeCompliments community grows larger, its vote will become stronger. From this point forward, I will personally have this page as a beneficiary to every post that I make in order to help it grow so that its voting power will increase. I will also institute certain strategies to help the community page grow in value over time; these strategies will be discussed in another post.

Thus far, I have not seen any page which curates/votes all content (posts, comments) that is posted to the blockchain, so this concept may be a novel way to bolster all types of engagement. Additionally, using a subjective method of curation/voting will encourage quality posts and comments. The subjective aspect may cause divisions in opinions, but there is an upcoming idea to help balance this out as well, and it will be addressed in another post.

Using Ecency Boosts on Posts that Add FC as a Beneficiary

A related idea which came to mind is using Ecency Boosts for content creators who add FreeCompliments as a beneficiary in their posts. The method by which FC will obtain Ecency points will be addressed in another post, but I believe that using Ecency Boosts can encourage content creators to help increase the FreeCompliment community account’s voting value, while simultaneously earning more on their posts due to the Ecency Boost. It can act as a two-way reward, known in human language as a “win-win” situation!

The only caveat: this idea will require the community account to earn enough Ecency points to handle all incoming posts. Right now, this is not an issue because we have very few posts, but may become an issue if engagement increases quicker than the community account’s value grows.

What do you think?

I would love to hear the opinions about these methods of curation/voting from everyone who is currently a member of FreeCompliments, since you’re all inaugural members! Anyone else who finds this page is also very welcome to voice their opinion. We’re all about free speech, and everyone’s experience has value.

@wesphilbin @jamerussell @thekittygirl @mondoshawan @crrdlx @stayten @bambukah @corvidae @ijelady @blacardi @sequentialvibe @eddylight @deraaa @jhymi @stdd @ganjafarmer @raj808 @ndk.focus @saffisara @melinda010100

More posts with further ideas will be coming this week!

Disclaimer: FreeCompliments will be a beneficiary for this post, and I will attempt to boost it via Ecency points as well.

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