What is better to live in the country or in the city?

What is better to live in the country or in the city? This question can be easy or difficult to answer but it depends a lot on the living conditions in the countryside and in the city.

And like everything in life it depends a lot on each person's circumstances. During the last 100 years, most people have abandoned the countryside to go live in the city. Mainly looking for a job improvement.

Cities are hard and do not have the optimal conditions for humans to live. But they also have advantages that are what have made people make the decision to move to them. The main one is work, but it is also the services or leisure possibilities that are very important today.
They also have their drawbacks such as insecurity, pollution, space and costs.

Living in the countryside is in theory the ideal option with multiple benefits such as freedom, fresh air, tranquility, space and reduced costs. But it also has its drawbacks such as the lack of work, services or communications.

So the option will depend on each person's tastes and circumstances. Maybe living in a medium-sized city or near one with all the services is a good solution.

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