The influence of the moon on our lives

There is no doubt that our only satellite has a very important influence on our lives that on many occasions we are not even aware of. We have it so present that sometimes we forget its importance.

We can see it every night, except when there is a new moon of course, when we take it for granted. But probably after the all-powerful Sun, which dictates our destiny, the Moon is what has the most influence on all of us and our lives. It guides our biological rhythms and those of other species. Its influence on the Earth's gravity marks the course of the tides, creating and destroying ecosystems. It undoubtedly affects traditional agriculture whether it is sowing, watering or harvesting. Above all, it affects the germination of seeds.

For millennia it was the guide that sailors needed to reach their destination. And today it is of crucial importance for space exploration. Who knows if one day it will be a source of resources for our planet. But it has also affected human behavior since time immemorial, which has given it great cultural significance in all cultures of the world. Many of the best-known traditional festivals are guided by the cycles of the Moon. So when you look at the sky tonight and contemplate it, think about how important it is for your lives.


Created with: nightcafe

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