The importance of water quality in the garden.

There are three determining factors in any crop: soil, sun and water. Horticulturists can act on the soil above all. The sun is basically untouchable, although if we have a lot of it we can play with the shadows. But there is one last determining factor: water.

Water and its quality are very important in our garden to achieve good results. Both in quantity and quality. The best water is undoubtedly rainwater, if you have any crop you will notice how it improves after a good rain.

Many people believe that tap water is bad because it contains chlorine and other products to make it drinkable, but this is not a determining factor. What really determines is whether the water in your area is hard or soft. That basically determines its quality. Hard water is that which contains a lot of lime, determined by a calcareous soil. This is the worst quality.
Soft water is the best quality for watering our plants and is very similar to rainwater.

There is another type of water that is of worse quality, which is brackish water. These waters are not useful for irrigation because they damage most plants, but they can be used with some crops, such as tomatoes, to which they give a better flavour. However, this should only be done if the salinity is low.

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