Take care of yourself to have a long and full life.

Hi hivians, how is your week going? I'm sure it's going very well. This weekend I met up with a friend from my childhood and the truth is that I didn't find him in very good physical condition. He was always an athletic and fun guy but he didn't take much care of himself. And that's precisely what I wanted to write about today. About the need to take care of ourselves if we want to have a long and full life.

We don't have another life so we have to make the most of this one and it's important to take care of ourselves. Mainly for ourselves but also for those we love the most. So it's important to have healthy habits and not let ourselves be carried away by indolence.
Physical exercise is essential to keep this vehicle called body in the best possible condition. If we don't do it our mind will stay locked in a place without being able to do the things it wants to do.
But it's also important or rather the most important thing to keep our mind in top shape. Without it our body is absolutely useless.

If we are able to maintain a balance between mind and body, then we will have a long life that we can enjoy to the fullest at all stages.
Avoid that mythical phrase "live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse." Your corpse will not be pretty and neither will your life.

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