Medicinal plants, Chamomile

Medicinal plants are essential in a garden and have many advantages for both us and our vegetables. In addition, they are very easy to grow and very resistant to both diseases and pests.


Today our chosen medicinal plant is a classic that I'm sure you all know, chamomile.
Without a doubt everyone knows the medicinal properties of chamomile for our digestive system. Who hasn't used chamomile when a meal has been too heavy?
But surely not everyone knows about the great properties it has as an eyewash. And when we have irritated eyes or something has gotten into our eyes, there is nothing better than using chamomile.

Like almost all the medicinal plants I am presenting to you, chamomile is also very rustic. It grows well mixed with other plants that are larger as it enjoys both full sun and semi-shade. It does not need much watering but it does need the soil not to dry out too much and if it can have deep soil, even better. In addition, it is also very easy to propagate, even by itself it drops its seeds and reappears from one year to the next.

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