Medicinal plants, Basil

Medicinal plants are essential in a garden and have many advantages for both us and our vegetables. They are also really easy to grow and very resistant to both diseases and pests.

So I am going to start a series of articles with the most important ones for me. Most are Mediterranean plants but there are many more. I will start with Basil.
Basil has many properties both aromatic and medicinal and is widely used in Mediterranean cuisine, the healthiest in the world. It is a plant that greatly improves our digestive system and also has antidepressant properties.

Growing Basil is very simple. It can be grown both in pots or directly in the ground. It likes the sun a lot and it is ideal to plant it between tomato plants since they have the same requirements. In addition, Basil will help protect our tomato plants from pests such as whiteflies or aphids.
It is important to plant it before the tomato plants so that it does its job fully.
And finally, it is a plant that is delicious in our dishes and provides an unmistakable aroma.

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