Cooking as a family creates strong bonds.

Hello Hivans, it's Friday and the weekend is just around the corner. We all make plans for the weekend, whether it's home or going out to visit some nice place that interests us. One of the best things we can do if we stay at home is to cook as a family, especially with the children.

When I was little I cooked a lot with my mother. It was something that I liked a lot. Although since she was a little naughty, she turned the kitchen upside down. She didn't get very angry although she always made me clean it afterwards. So as you can imagine, nowadays I cook without leaving a single stain in the kitchen. 😂😂😂

I still cook with my mother when she comes to see me or when I go to see her. Even if it's not the food itself. We make cakes or cookies. The important thing is not what we do but how we do it. We are relaxed and we tell each other about our day to day. So we talk, we laugh and we strengthen family ties.

I do the same with my children. I involve them in the day-to-day running of the house and have them help me when it comes to cooking. Always be careful with the knives and do not burn them in the fire because they are still small. But you can prepare the ingredients. They act as cooks for me, preparing everything in small dishes to make it easier for me.
But the important thing is that we talk and you tell me your things, your thoughts. And this will create indelible bonds between us.

They also leave the kitchen a mess and of course I make them clean it afterwards. 😂😂😂

Created with: nightcafe

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