The Result of Having Too Much Sweets

Good day, Hiveans! I hope you’re fine while reading my blog today.


Yesterday, I posted about the reasons behind my backlog of blogging, one of it was my tonsilitis and fever. Now, I’ll share with this platform the reasons behind why I experienced these sicknesses.

Last week, I shared that we bought an ice cream from Moyomo. I was craving sweets at that time. Looking back, I started my week of eating sweets. When Monday came, we traveled to Cebu City to buy some attire for an upcoming event. While we were traveling, I saw a four-wheel vehicle selling a “Marang Fruit”, I searched the English name for it, but I could not find one. “Marang fruit” is a cousin of jackfruit. It is a small version, but it has different taste. From my perspective, it is sweeter than jackfruit. My parents are a fan of this fruit, that’s why I’m not ignorant of this type of fruit. I bought three pieces. I ate the one piece since my husband has no interest in the said fruit. My second day of the week is eating a sweet “Marang fruit”. I forgot to take pictures since I was so excited to try the fruit.

My sweets escapade did not stop in eating fruit but during working days, I usually bought “hopia” as my snacks or sweet cupcakes. I think I did not buy junk foods last week. It became worst when last Wednesday when we were done having our dinner, I felt like drinking some sweets. I asked my husband if he was okay to order drinks since we had limited cash on hand, and I needed his online wallet to pay for the orders. He gladly accepted my idea since he loves drinking sweets compared to me. So, we ordered matcha frappe and ice choco to “The Barista’s Café” a local café that offers delivery. The café was walking distance from our house, yet we were too lazy at that time to go outside and walk. Another sweet for the week. I think my throat triggered by my constant eating of sweets which leads to discomfort. The reason why I had a sore throat and fever.

So, this week, I tried to be a good girl and avoid eating and drinking sweets since having sore throat and fever is not easy to handle. So many things are affected by it. Most especially, for a working person like me.

Naturally, I’m not a fan of sweets. I’m into salty and sour food. Maybe I feel the stress from my work that I was craving more sweets last week. Now, that I experienced firsthand the disadvantages of simultaneously eating or drinking sweets, I would be more vigilant of it.

Prevention is better than cure. I learned from my mistakes, and I have no plan of repeating them again.

Thank you for reaching this far. If you want to inspire, learn, and witness beautiful scenery, experiences, and places, do not forget to follow, upvote, and reblog my post to support and motivate me to write more. Thank you.

Writer: Maureen S. O.
Photos owned by my husband: Paul Vincent M. O.
Edited in PowerPoint


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