Life With or Without Electricity

Good day, Hiveans! Another blog from your ordinary girl. I hope you’re fine while reading my blog today.

Yesterday, I posted about the things we did during a power interruption. The picture above is another budol find of my husband where it is used to charge the battery of the vehicle.

Nowadays, we are now dependent on electricity, and we are not functioning well without electricity. I don’t know if only my husband and I feel that way, or are we in the same boat? Now that we are in this era, it’s so hard to go back to the past. I remember when I first experienced a major shutdown of electricity because of the typhoon, life was too dull. I don’t remember what I did, all I remember was my days were too boring. Luckily, time ran fast so I did not stay long in our place, and I immediately went back to the city since I was still studying during that time.

The second time was still because of the typhoon, but I’m now married when it happened again. The good thing about it was the office that handled the electricity in our town had a generator and we could charge our phones and other electronic devices for free as long as we brought our extension wire. It was a fun experience to remember since I was with my husband and we had the same interest, yet I had no plan to experience it again. I’m hoping that it will not happen again.

Having no electricity is not new to me. Since we only had electricity when I was in grade three. We only used the traditional light, and I remembered I needed to finish my assignment early because the sun was still up in order not to use the lamp. After all, it would be difficult since it would create a shadow. Life before was so simple and ordinary. But now that we experienced the comfortable life of having electricity, I think it would be hard to go back again.

We may survive without having electricity, but the adjustment would be difficult.

Have you ever experienced living without electricity? What do you think? Would you prefer to live again without electricity or not? Let me hear your thoughts.

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Writer: Maureen S. O.
Photos owned by my husband: Paul Vincent M. O.
Edited in PowerPoint

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