Motivational Monday: Relax, Life is no Competition

Relax; your most current story is the past of someone else's and your past story is another person's envy. Life is greater than you understand; the circumstance you feel is too demanding for you to take care of is actually someone else's jealousy and the condition you are flaunting today is truly someone else's history.

Let me share a little story with you. My mother used to buy my younger siblings and I Christmas clothing when we were little, usually a product of an indigenous Nigerian cloth called Ankara. When my aunt who sewed the dress gave us the new material at the Christmas event, after I got dressed, my younger sister immediately changed her mind and preferred to use a different material instead. My father then decided to use the Ankara fabric that my sister could have used in sewing her dress as his wrapper, and stay-at-home cloth.

So, when I wore mine to church, my father started using the fabric from my Christmas dress to stay at home and sleep in. I first noticed my father wearing the Ankara material on Sunday when I came home from church. I was surprised to see him with the wrapper so I yelled at him, "Mmm so you're using my Christmas cloth to walk around the house, that's not fair," as soon as I told him. ” he laughed and said. Let me tell you a story! Read on...

There was a man who did not like to see his kind of clothing on someone else's body.

So at one event, this particular man bragged that he could travel to a marketplace in a city miles away and ask for clothes that aren't always common; no matter how much it costs, he could buy it so people would get it to buy in his locality. True to his promise, he got his special clothing material, made his best design and rocked the town until one day he wore the same fabric to his village. Before he even got to his family house, he noticed that another man was wearing the same clothes as him, even a farmer. He looked up, and tried to see the person on his farm, looked at his clothes and then nodded his head in dismay.

How does this story relate?

Just imagine my father wrapping himself in the same fabric I used to dress up for Christmas. Imagine the person bragging about how expensive the cost of the cloth he bought before seeing the farmer. You must know what you are bragging about. You see yourself and the level you have reached as the best. You see your phone to be better. But there is one thing you should know, your expensive-looking clothes and shoes are someone else's rags or discarded property.

Remember that others have come and gone before you, your current achievement is someone else's history, so try not to brag too much about it. If you notice people are at the top and you're at the very bottom, don't hurt yourself. Look below you and you will find that many others are fighting for the same position as you, for the same achievements and for the same way of life. Be happy and grateful for what you have now, and wherever you are, but don't be complacent and assume you have it all. Instead, be content with what you have. In humility, strive to reach higher levels beyond what you can, and stop waiting for others to lift you up.

You can't improve on perfection, so be content with your imperfections. All great people are confronted with challenges and all overcome those challenges. The starting place of your progress cannot be found anywhere else but within you. So, wherever you are, whoever you are and whatever you have, know that you are right where you are meant to be. Keep going! Achieve better and better! Be happy with who you are!

Always keep in mind that individuals who are afraid of failure hardly succeed in life. Never be ashamed of who you are. Embrace contentment and dignity. You are precious, you are one of a kind and you have something that no one else has!

Friends, if you need to move faster on this road of life, I will inform you about one thing , you should first forget about your past! Forget where you are now and stop evaluating yourself for others. You can't have it all and you can't lose it all either. Instead, keep moving forward and let your perception of who you are today transform into who you will become tomorrow.

It's not about how right you are now, but how right you end up. So don't get distracted by the successes of other people. Let your focus be on who you are and what you have accomplished so far. Your blessing and your blessing alone will help you in this. Don't look too much on those ahead of you or those far behind, because they can be the trap to keep you stranded. Use your experiences to learn lessons from the achievements of others, but never envy or resent the success of anyone. It is the best opportunity to be able to study from their mistakes and successes.

Remember that you have everything you need in your existence. Even if you feel like you don't have what it takes. You deserve what you want.

Friends, have patience with yourself and others. Give yourself the guts and courage to make the right decisions. Don't have the attitude that you should have everything right now.

Stay motivated and keep pushing on!

Thanks for reading!

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