Mental Health Initiative on FreeCompliments - 12/3/23 - 12/4/23

The mental health initiative on the FreeCompliments Community will use this account (fc-mentalhealth) to address and keep track of users who have received our help. We will post relevant links for the purpose of organization and write the steps we took and how we will follow up. This account will also provide support to users who require our help via curation, both for the purpose of financial assistance, and in some cases for increased visibility on various frontends.

Posts/Threads/Comments addressed over the past 2 days:


  1. Identified by @ckole. The poster has had chronic issues with mourning the loss of his sibling, in addition to the deterioration of his health, causing him stress and anxiety.

  2. Posted on our threadcast and addressed by the initial identifying MHA plus others who joined in.

  3. Previously spoken to by @freecompliments with an offer of assisting with medical services in the US once the poster is able to come here (tentatively 1-2 years).

  4. Follow up approximately on a weekly basis, or when the poster discusses their problems again.


  1. Identified by @ckole. The poster describes how she deals with strong emotions, and identifies her loneliness as a significant issue which she does not expect will be solved. Consider self-esteem issues as a root problem.

  2. Posted on our threadcast and addressed by the initial identifying MHA plus others who joined in.

  3. Follow up later this week to provide validation that she is not alone nor forgotten.


  1. Self-identified. The poster describes how Mondays often feel demotivating for her, and subsequently tells us how she helps motivate herself.

  2. Our mental health ambassador team responded to the prompt.

  3. Follow-ups as necessary, when requested.

Disclaimer: Mental Health Ambassadors except for @freecompliments will be minor beneficiaries to these posts for their hard work. Beneficiaries will be added based on their contribution to the post.

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