Saturday Savers Club Progress Report Week 16

This is my 16th week of the Saturday Savers Club. I am showing my weekly progress each Friday through such posts.

My original goal is : 5000 HP and 100 HBD. And my current numbers are : 2 HBD and 3485 HP.

Lot of progress this week like say you have HP raising and also few more token related questions too. I have layer 2 Hive going smoothly, though it needs to rebalance with some of the updates every now and then. So that teh vote I am getting on the content plays well too.

I have to think of recovering the funds from the variety of sources and have to regularly engage but the typing and writing has been slow for me lately. And so I have to think of as much passive income sources as I can.

So here's the layer 2 table for me.

Some randomg GROWTH token is dropped too. No idea what it is and but I have it so let's play while it is there.

Let's talk about my focus tokens for the week.


Let's talk about EDS and the gang. So the delegation this year is kind of looking hard but I have plans to smooth it out as it would help later. So far 460 EDS tokens are what I have. And more to plan out and work with if the funds come up strongly. EDS being one of the pillar tokens on the Hive, I have to continue to HODL and also keep adding something new to it.


No new BRO token planned. But DAB I may consider as it adds enough for the daily drip. I also think that if I buy more DAB that would be something I have planned out for the long term investment. BRO is a bit tough and takes larger pie. So have to plan the distribution evenly with other pillar tokens. In short focus is in DAB instead.


This token earns the swap.hive and the DRIP which I can stake. So staking also gives more drip and eventually this would help out on the daily drip value. And this week was also another addition. Though I was expecting more returns but hive value tanking has affected the drip too.


This is something I feel like need to add differently but on regular basis when I have some funds. As of now 202 tokens are there. And more should be on the way. But eventually it feels like DUO would be the token of the treasure. Let's see where the return of investment be one year from here onwards.

Hive Power

So this week was my good week as the value of the HP in my account increased to the 3485 now. And this means I am getting closer to the 4K and soon there would be 5K and then dolphin. So yes the climb is slow but going on stronger these days.

HSBI Shares

I have been arranging the contest weekly. And this adds up the HSBI too. So this week I must be under 150 or so. I hope to reach 200 or more as the year ends. And if I can have regular generous votes from SBI that means I would do well for the account.

Crypto Portfolio

I am focusing on the Polkadot too. And ethereum Layer 2 tokens. So collectively they would be my good investment and they can pay for some of the really strong choices for the income in upcoming times.

I thought I would do good this year but it seems like I have to break my crypto a lot and regularly to feed the real world financial issues. So the bitcoin and ethereum would go low on reserves for me. Let's see where things go from now onwards.

That's it for this week, more updates next week. Don't forget to check my HSBI contest every Thursday!

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