Dealing with People who make you Awkward!

When it comes to the social life we tend to have experience where other people make us feel awkward and they tend to enjoy the process of we getting cornered and under some sort of the mental blockage that kind of makes our life a bit difficult. So how do you deal with people?

I had plenty of experience with the people who tend to cause issues with the people who are not the extrovert and have no idea how to deal with the social conditions.

Let's discuss some of the scenarios on how this can be handled.


Here are some of the things you can do and should do when it comes to dealing with people who make you feel awkward.

Assertive Mindset

Most of the people who want to get ahead tend to be more assertive. And they know how to deal with people by using assetive communication and the assetive physical movements. This way they have changed more or less of their mindset and the changes in life reflects through their actions as well. In short being assertive pays off.

Mindset takes 21 days to switch and as you age the switching between the midnset is not that easier. So you should consider making use of the assertive communication and the mindset to solve those problems in the life. In short when it comes to dealing with in and out of house, you have to learn to be more assertive.

Leave Conversation

More and more people communicate with each other the more you feel like getting manipulated and making you awkward. So it can be reasonable to say that you have to walk off. Because that would let you have more control over the situation. Like your control is there when you some of the time move away from the things that you avoid.

I know this may sound like run off strategy but reducing the coversation in the direction which is not in your control. Unless you are getting paid for that spending enough time on such type of the conversation won't work. This is where you have to understand that leaving conversation it always helps you move ahead in the life too.

Counselling and Course Correction

More and more people tend to get help from the therapy and the counselling. This way you can see that course correction is possible when it comes to the being in situation that does not make you awkward. So it helps when you are learning from others who know how to handle the people issues and how they can be turned into the benefit.

So make sure to make changes in yourself when you are trying to get over the situations that make you uncomfortable. That is one way you always improve and move ahead in life.

Learn to deal with the people who make you uncomfortable by using above methods and learn new methods by making yourself more strong in mind.

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