My Sunday Reflection: A grateful being

Aha!! As usual, it's the beginning of a new week likewise a day to reflect on the past week and prepare for the new one.πŸ˜„ Waking up from my bed, permit me to say is my greatest achievement like the popular saying goes when there is life there is hope so being strong and healthy is indeed an achievement. To begin the day, I had to say my prayers and then after held on to my phone to reply messages before going about other duties.

I was supposed to prepare for service but then I didn't though wasn't happy about it but it's all for good. This also leads me to how I spent my last week. The past week has been my most hectic week ever since I was born...yeah!! You simply heard right. I barely had time for myself and even the little I manage to spare whatever I do has to be done hastily.

Two weeks back my mom was feeling unwell and the pains was unbearable that she couldn't sleep all through the night the next morning we had to go for a scan where the doctor confirmed she had hernia and needs to undergo a surgery as soon as possible to avoid a case of emergency and for the first time in my life I fully wore the shoes of my mom not just that, the realization of being the only female and second child downed on me. It hurts me so bad that I wish I had a sister I can switch positions with but then I have to face the reality myself. I would spend the night with her then after in the morning my dad or brother come to stay with her while I go home to prepare lunch for my younger ones. My elder brother and immediate younger brother were in school writing exams though they came to check on mum but the responsibility was still upon my shoulder.

It was indeed stressful but I didn't really care about the whole stress cause all I wanted was to see my mum back on her feet. For my twenty something years on earth my mum has been the one taking care of me and she did it with the whole of her heart so who i my to complain when she needs me the most. Thank God we are back home now but today been Sunday we had to return back to the hospital so they can redress the wounds. Honestly am most grateful she's recovering real fast and nothing gives me joy than that.

My plans for next week is to ensure that I cover up most of the stuffs I was unable to do and also rest well like mummy advised and this can be so possible first with a positive vibe and being optimistic.

Photos are mine.

This post was inspired by the #inleo community and my entry to the monthly prompts #augustinleo for day 25 Sunday Reflection. to get involved clink on contest announcement

Thank you for your time, peace πŸ•ŠοΈ

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