Let's take it Slow and Steady~Motivational Monday


A few days ago, I saw a voting poll the poll was about our plans after school, whether we have it figured out, or not, and our next choice and I saw so many people tick the option of having thief life figured out already and just a few who didn't and eh, I was happy for those who did have their life figured out already and could understand those who didn't because I was once in their shoes and I think I am still in that phase of my life.

I remember when I was still in Secondary school and when I was done, unlike many students who had their higher institution life figured out especially when it comes to their career choice, I didn't, I was confused about what to do and always flee from being asked what my plan for the higher institution was and I stayed years before I finally settled on what was best for me and when it came, I knew within my spirit that was what I was meant to chase, that was the career choice I was meant to go after.

Now, this is it, I am still a bit confused and not certain about what my life after higher institution will look like because for one, I have so many plans for myself but they are all dependent on whatever happens, which means I am still not sure and yeah, I do not still have a glimpse of what will happen to me after my higher institutions and do not have a plan either.

So, here is me saying to us all, it is okay to not know what you want, it is okay to be indecisive, it is okay to not be sure of what is going to happen, it is okay to run out of ideas, it is okay to be unstable, it is okay to be lost or feel lost, it is okay to not be sure of your life and where it is heading to, the truth is it is a psychological phase of every human, don't let the wave and pressure of the world push you into making decisions or choices you aren't sure of, just go with the flow, with open mind and in-depth search and of course with prayers, you are going to get out of that phase and with ideas, and a better decision and choice for your life.

It doesn't matter how long it will take, it took me seven years to be sure of my career choice, it might not be in that aspect for you, it might be in another aspect, but whatever the case, take it slowly, carefully and genuinely with open-mindedness, and in no time, the answer, the assurance, the peace you've long been searching for will come and you would know that it is your time.

It's never too late, delay is not as dangerous as making the wrong decision that you might live to regret. We all know the phrase, "Delay is not Denial" it might be a phase in prepping or preparing one for a better future ahead. If you aren't too sure about that deal, take a break, and don't be in a rush to make decisions that you will regret later.

This is a part of my entry for the #julyinleo prompt as organized by the @leogrowth team with a great initiative that members of Hive can participate in the prompt and be a part of the fun that comes with the prompt.

Thank you for reading!!!

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