Purple Eyes: Alexandria Syndrome, myth or reality?

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Greetings friends, in my Sunday reflection post I talked among other things about topics I had been researching and learning about. One of these topics was the so-called "Alexandria Syndrome". About this topic I will be telling you today and we will address about its origin, characteristics and I will answer a question I asked myself while researching. Is this syndrome real? But before we start #freecompliments for everyone.

Well before we start it is important to say that although it is called "Alexandria Syndrome" or "Alexandria Genesis" it is actually a kind of genetic mutation as such. Said mutation only affects women and has symptoms such as:

1- Presence of a very white skin that does not get damaged or burn when exposed directly to the sun.

2- A characteristic change in eye color from blue to violet or purple.

3- Change of hair color to dark brown or black.

4- Absence of body hair beyond the areas that usually have hair at birth.

5- Total absence of the menstrual cycle, but with a high fertility rate, allowing them to have children naturally.

6- Presence of a highly developed immune system resistant to common diseases.

7- Younger appearance accompanied by an athletic and slim body.

8- Extended life experience up to 120 years of age.

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This syndrome gets its name from a myth that is said to have occurred in the 14th century. Apparently, in 1329 an English couple noticed that their daughter Alexandria Augustine's eyes changed from blue to a violet color. The very worried parents went to a priest to have the little girl checked, as they believed it was the curse of a witch or something like that. The priest explained that the girl was in perfect health, but that she suffered from a disease that only manifested itself in certain races of people in ancient Egypt.

According to the myth, these people of Egypt were actually "spirits" who appeared after a flash of light appeared in the sky on a night when the moon was not visible. These "spirit people" were thought to possess the qualities and physical characteristics of superhuman when they were around, but, at some point, they would disappear and never be seen again. [1]

In 2011, several specialists came out to deny on social networks about the existence of this myth. Because yes, it is not a disease or a mutation or anything like that. And although there are several women who claim to suffer from the "Alexandria Syndrome" none has been able to prove that this is true. Even many other people claim to know people with black eyes, this is still just a rumor, because although it is true that many diseases and conditions can cause a change in the color of the iris of the eye. None over the years has caused a mutation in the patient that proves the existence of the symptoms described above.

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And so that, after so much digging around the internet and reviewing the supposed evidence, I only found TikTok and Instagram profiles full of people with excessive makeup, faking some sort of disease that never existed to earn their 5 minutes of fame.

Thank you very much for reading my post. If you liked it, please leave a comment and consider following me so you don't miss my next posts. I'd love to know your opinion and your thoughts about the topic I discussed in this post, see you in the next one!

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