Learning about market fragility and manipulation with DOOK


Welcome! I been wanting to make this post for a while and it's finally here!

In this post we will explore market fragility and manipulation with DOOK.

Market cap

So market cap is a metric that is a staple in all markets it is used to gauge the size of an asset.
Market cap is calculated with the current supply multiplied by the current price, When I learned this I realized the house of cards nature of markets.

Right below is a screenshot of the DOOK market cap post the manipulation, well sort of I issued more DOOK token in anticipation for this post.


Before the manipulation I updated the DOOK token description.


So basically I got rid of the normal DOOK sell order and put up one DOOK for the price of 244 hive.

dook order.png

HE bug

As you can see below I was able to sell and buy this manipulative order with the same account!
Now don't get me wrong one should be able to buy and sell freely but fulfilling your own order! There is no good reason to allow this.

This would not stop this type of manipulation but would add work to the manipulators shifting funds around.

he bug .png

DOOK moon!

So after this single order the market cap of DOOK went through the roof much wow and I could have made it even more enabling 8 decimals to DOOK and making the order 0.00000001 DOOK for 244 hive or with even more hive as well as issuing more DOOK, but the only reason to do this would be to make DOOK's market cap the largest in the world just for a cooler title but I settled for this instead.

dook moon.png

Everything is back to normal now I placed another order at our standard DOOK price of 0.005 Hive each.

back to normal.png

Before I changed it back I took a screen of my personal DOOK stash I had "11 million" 🤣

I am rich.png

Volume folly

Some of you may have noticed that post manipulation the volume was only $43 with the huge market cap, Some would say oh I would see the low volume and would catch the manipulation.

The problem is the volume could be manipulated too with something called wash trading that's when a manipulators buy and sell the asset to boost liquidity and with the HE bug mentioned above and with hives no fees this makes things even easier however the same can be true in almost any market.


I wish I could provide a solution but it's something I been thinking about and trying to tackle for a while, what is needed is some better market metrics to give investors a better picture, I have something in mind but I am still trying to sort it all out.


Profit share

@dook4good is set as a 10% benefactor on this post
10% of DOOK sales proceeds go to the @dook4good charity

link to the DOOK toilet paper here


(1)(2)(3) Images I generated with AI

and remember DOOK shits fun !

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