What is Latte Macchiato? / ラテマキアートって何ですか?


It's been a month since I started my job at the café. Since I only work on weekends, I've only worked about ten days. I thought I wasn't suited for customer service, but since the work environment is so casual, I think I can manage. I do need to speak politely but I don't have to worry about overly formal and polite way of speaking as I’m speaking in Japanese (sorry but the Japanese language is too complicated sometimes), so I'm starting to think this kind of work might actually suit me. It might even be fun to aim to become a "barista grandma"... just a thought. 😆

I sometimes work shifts with people who are my daughter’s age. I was worried they might treat me like an old lady, but that's not the case at all, which makes me happy.

Last Sunday, the barista who was scheduled to work called in sick. So I was given a chance to make lots of drinks and it was crazy busy!
There was a few drinks that I didn’t know how to make 😭
Um... what is a latte macchiato?
I had no choice but to ask ChatGPT. ChatGPT was so helpful—thank you! 🤣

...so they say…

A latte macchiato is a coffee drink that primarily consists of steamed milk "stained" with a small amount of espresso. The name "macchiato" means "stained" or "spotted" in Italian, and it refers to how the espresso is added to the milk, creating a layered effect.

Here’s how it’s typically made:

  1. Steamed Milk: A large amount of steamed milk is poured into a glass, making up the bulk of the drink.
  2. Foam: A small amount of milk foam is added on top.
  3. Espresso: A shot of espresso is carefully poured over the milk, creating a "stain" or "spot" on the foam, resulting in distinct layers of milk, foam, and espresso.

A latte macchiato is generally milkier and creamier compared to a traditional latte or a cappuccino, making it a popular choice for those who prefer a milder coffee flavor.

For a cappuccino or a latte, you pour the espresso into the cup first, then add the steamed milk and foam. For a latte macchiato, you pour the steamed milk and foam first, then add the espresso afterward...

I almost shouted, "Does the order of pouring the milk and espresso really matter?!"
Actually, I ended up shouting that when I got home haha.
My husband told me that the order is important, just like in cooking, which made sense... but I still wasn't fully convinced. Probably because it was my husband who said it lol

So, I decided to do a taste test. I prepared the same espresso and milk in the same way. Some explanations say that a latte macchiato uses less espresso, but this time I wanted to see if changing the order would affect the taste, so I used the same amount.

Normally, a latte macchiato is served in a glass, so to see the difference, I also made the cappuccino in a glass as well.

Here's the cappuccino…I know I know! I’m still learning the latte art. I can do it better at work somehow. It is probably the quality of the frothed milk. My machine takes long time than the machine at work. It’s hard to figure out.

And here’s the latte macchiato.

Since milk is heavier than espresso, and the espresso is gently poured on top, it creates layers like this.

Some said this drink became popular after Brad Pitt was seen drinking it in one of his movies... or maybe it didn’t.
Also, the milk foam doesn’t mix with the espresso. "Macchiato" is Italian for "stained," and it’s characterized by the espresso leaving a stain on the milk foam.

As for the taste...

What is this? I can't tell the difference?! Lol
I might get in trouble for saying this 😅
The latte macchiato is creamier and milder, they said... but since the strong espresso on top is the first thing that hits your palate, the coffee flavor is intense until you finish that layer. The lower layer is where it becomes milder.
The layers of milk, foam, and espresso look beautiful, so you can enjoy the visual appeal and experience different flavours in one cup. It might have been different if I compared with latte which have more milk.
Coffee is something people enjoy according to their own preferences, and I feel like the café menu was created to reflect the most popular among them.
Coffee making is more complex than I thought but it's also free and fun.



自分は接客には向かないと思っていたのですが、とてもカジュアルな環境なので何とかやっていけそうです。英語なので、丁寧に話すことはありますが、日本語の面倒な (日本語ゴメン!)堅苦しく丁寧な対応はしなくていいし、結構向いているのでは?なんて思い始めています。バリスタおばあちゃんを目指すのも面白いかも…なんて😆




  1. スチームミルク:まず、大量のスチームミルクをグラスに注ぎ、ドリンクの大部分を占めます。
  2. フォーム:少量のミルクフォームを上にのせます。
    [3. エスプレッソ:エスプレッソのショットを慎重にミルクの上に注ぎ、フォームに「染み」や「スポット」を作り、ミルク、フォーム、エスプレッソの層ができます。












ミルクとフォームとエスプレッソの層がキレイなので、見て楽しんで、一杯で違う風味のコーヒーが楽しめる…お得な飲み物? ラテと比べた方が良かったのかな…けどラテの方がミルクの量が多いので、ラテの方がまろやかなんじゃ…


That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!



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