My New Crocs


My Crocs flip flops I had been using for several years broke a little while ago. The leather strap came off. I hadn't been wearing them to go out nowadays, I was only wearing them around the house – for taking out the trash, doing laundry, that kind of thing. The strap broke right as I opened my door. I'm glad it didn’t happen while I was outside.

I hate wearing socks. I go barefoot in the house even in the winter. When I go to the grocery store downstairs, I go out with flip flops in the winter as well. Haha I'm lazy and silly.

I thought I could do without the sandals, but it’s pretty inconvenient. It’s a hassle to put on socks and shoes just to step outside for a bit. So, I decided to buy Crocs again. Luckily, I had a SweatCoin coupon, so I used that.

It was 'Up to 50% Off,' and the Crocs I chose were 40% off. There were limited styles available for the coupon, but since I just wanted something simple, it was no problem. I needed two pairs anyway, so it worked out as well but the total had to be over $75 for free shipping... Since one pair of Classics costs $60, even two pairs didn't quite reach $75... Well played 😅

I chose the Classic for home use and the Classic Lined (with the fluffy inside) for work, not for café work. I usually change into different sneakers at work, but lately I'm having water retention, my feet have been swelling here and there, and no matter how much I loosen the shoe laces, my feet feel uncomfortable. Crocs are light and roomy, so I thought I'd give them a try. However, I’ve heard that if they're too loose, it can strain your feet in odd ways, so sneakers are better if you walk around a lot at work.

Oh, right... The last pair of Classic Clogs I had was eaten by the neighbor’s dog...😅 I’ll have to be careful.
Every time I open the door, this is what i see. The one in the back is Coco, and the one in the front is Duncan. They love hanging out in front of my door so much that people sometimes mistake them for my own dogs 😆

Well then, let’s take it easy. Have a wonderful week everyone!





Up to 50% Offということで、私が選んだクロックスは40%オフでした。このクーポンが使えるクロックスのスタイルには限りがありましたが、普通のが欲しかったので問題なし。
けれど、ちょうど2足欲しかったので良かったのですが、合計が75ドル以上が送料無料ということで…クラシックは60ドルなので2足買ってもギリギリ75ドルにならず…上手く出来ている 😅

そうだ…以前履いていたクラシッククロッグは近所のわんこに食べられたんだった…😅 気を付けないといけません。玄関を開けると、いつもこんな感じなので。



That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!



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