Leopard 🐆


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A subspecies of the spotted panther species, which is in danger of extinction. Lives in the Far East, is one of the rarest representatives of the cat family. According to the most optimistic estimates, only 40 individuals remain in the wild.

The typical habitat for the Far Eastern leopard is the coniferous and broad-leaved forests of the Manchurian type. This representative of the cat family prefers areas with rough terrain, steep slopes of hills, rock outcrops and watersheds.
Leads mainly a twilight lifestyle. He usually goes hunting an hour or two before sunset and hunts the first half of the night, although he sometimes pursues prey during the day, especially on cloudy, cold days and in winter.
Appears at the watering hole at dusk. The leopard's food mainly consists of ungulates: roe deer, young wild boar, spotted deer and bison calves. In addition, the leopard eats hares, badgers, dogs and cats, pheasants. On average, a predator hunts one roe per week.

The Far Eastern leopard is included in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Leopard hunting has been banned since 1956.

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