The Moderation Mess Up on Instagram and Threads


I’ve watched Instagram and Threads moderation for a while now and now the whole thing is just out of control. It’s one thing to enforce rules to keep the platforms safe, but when users are having their accounts shutdown for very bizarre reasons like mentioning crackers or cracking a joke about the weather, that's what I call going way too far.

I'm sad for people that get affected by this like the writer who lost years of memories and connections, being labeled as underage even after providing ID. I can't ever imagine waking up to find my content on a platform get erased without prior notice or even consent, at least even a little warning.

What bothers me most is how impersonal and rigid the process is.Meta’s moderation system is constantly pulling down content before taking a second to assess the situation. That's the unfortunate side of centralized platforms.

Lots of people are losing access to accounts that represent years of their lives and all they get is a notification telling them that a team is looking into it to accept their appeal.

But what good is that to creators when accounts are disappearing by the minute? I’ve seen people post genuine content that gets flagged because some automated system misread the context.

This is not just some inconvenience, it’s a violation of trust. You build a profile, create a digital identity, only to have it taken away from you for a little mistake that feels like a lazy oversight on Meta’s part.

That's the main reason why I moved to decentralized platforms, I don't want that happening to me.

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