You Don't Need Any Legendary, You Only Need To Build Up A Focused Good Meta

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Holla, I hope you are having a good day

Welcome to my Splinterlands Battle Mage Secret challenge. Today we have a new theme, which is the LOST LEGENDARIES ruleset.

Lost Legendaries ruleset forbids everyone from using any legendary rarity card. For me, this is a useless ruleset, regarding I do not have many Legendary Cards. So it's like playing as usual for me.

I used to be a gold foil card only players, so I do not have Epics and Legendaries in my selection. However nowadays this kind of player (which is me) suffer great disadvantages due to changes in battle format. Our cards' level mostly below regular foil players, so we suffer loses to loses massively.

It's a good thing that I am a casual players, so I do not bother that a lot. as long I can play and have fun here, that's more than ok for me.

so one tips for me, which is the core of this post, is to make a good focused meta. Forget about Legendary, have your meta focused!!

So let's see our battle then

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~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

This was a battle from silver league modern rank battle, as you can see both of us using Water Element. But they are kind of cheating, using Possibilius The Wise, which was a Legendary Summoner. Yes, Lost Legendaries only limits your units, not your summoner.


That was a battle with one single ruleset, the Lost Legendaries. There was one big reason why none of us went with dragon, because most of dragon units were Legendaries, so what matter most is our summoner buff or ability, not the dragon element.

Let's see our battle first before we talk deeper about this.


  • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. Both of us using Water Team however we used different Meta. I brought 2 support units in my line up, and they used none supports and all of them were damage dealers.
  • My opponent had 12 melee damage, 5 range damage, and 4 magic damage. It's a combined 21 damage per round yet they had Trample and Double strike too..
  • My team had 11 melee damage, 2 range damage and 2 magi damage. It's 15 damage per round, which was a lot lower than my opponent.
  • We could say my team was a defensive one and theirs was an offensive one.


  • Round two started with both team still had full line up. This happened because they missed two of their attack, else I would have lost a unit on the first round.
  • Later on this round, they lost their Wave Brood.


  • Their coastal Sentry kept missing an attack every round. This made them looked bad although actually they were a strong team.
  • We both lost our tanks, the Diemon Shark, on this round.


  • Round 4 started with 4 vs 3 condition. My team look more steady and convincing here, while they still had three of their best hitters.


  • Right now it became 4 vs 2 and I believed the battle was already over on this point. I could not see how they could make a kill to any of my line up.


  • Round 6 was the last one, Good Game

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The battle was quite intense and actually their meta was not bad either. They were focusing on their attack, however it did not bring good result. There are some points we can take from this battle, lets check them below:

1. Dependence on Legendary


If that was not a lost legendaries battle and they could bring this Kulu Mastermind into their lineup, I would have lost greatly. Their lineup definitely told me that this Kulu Mastermind spot was taken over by Nerissa Tridawn or Coastal Nymph, and this was their biggest hole in their meta.

You can not replace a unit just based on their damage number. Their attack type, their ability, their speed, all are influencing one another. Fast unit won't work the same if you just replace them with another fast unit with different type of abilities. In this case, their biggest hitter was swapped by other units who could not connect the missing dots.

2. Trust In Commoners

The biggest advantages in my side was our RNG which was good, they missed more than 3 hits and that developed a big gap which they could not catch up. Was my luck based on luck?


I would not be lucky if in the first place I would not put my faith on Flying Squid. It's a great common card, he was fast, he hit good and most importantly, he had that BLIND ability.

In this battle, it was not due to my luck, but all thanks to that Flying squid blind ability. I would not get those luck if this squid was not on my line up.

3. Buff, Debuff & Status Ailment

Talking about meta, or tactic, it is not only about basic mechanic... who is faster and move first, who hit harder and makes the kill. If everything back to basic, it will be a contest of who has higher level which will win the battle.

A team will be better or worse not due to stronger units, but this units connect each other performing a synergy. Ok I start to talk about some unclear mambo jambo here. Before it gets worse, let me make this simple. It is the buff, debuff and skills that affect status which in the end decide your meta.


For example, supply runner here is not something that outstanding, but if you put him into your team, he makes other better due to his swiftness ability. If my opponent replaced their Coastal Nymph with this one, which is individually became lame, however overall their team would be better. They might not make misses like they did. Maybe luck changed side to them and I lost that battle.

Look at my team, all have abilities, from attacking, buffing, debuffing, status ailment and recovery. Meanwhile my opponent only focus on hitting hard and trying to kill first using basic mechanic. If you have legendary units, maybe that works well... however when we have LOST LEGENDARY, just focus on your meta, believe in common-rare units, and don't think more about legendary units.

Ok that's all for my battle mage secret post today, see you guys again on Splinterlands battlefields!!

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Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art
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