Tight Battle on Nuxious Fume Ruleset

Hello there

Welcome to my Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets challenge. This is a regular event where Splinterlands players share their battle with certain theme. For this post, we have Noxious Fumes as our theme.

Noxious fumes is a ruleset that gives poison to all unit at the beginning of the battle. Basically there are 2 mainstream approach we often see in this battle. The first one is building up a line up with a strong unit as the core, the unit with IMMUNITY ABILITY, which make it immune to poison effect. The second one is having a unit with Cleanse ability, and this is what we share today.


Having River Nymph on your team is a no brainer move, however the challenge will be... what meta will you use, which units are set into your line up other than River Nymph?
Let's check our battle then

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~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

This was a modern format battle on Gold league. As expected, this was a battle between two Water element. a Keyla Frendul team vs Possibilus the wise squad. I like this setting because it could show case how strong a water element is using a completely two different approach. Anyway look at the ruleset first


Earth quake ruleset really killed the fire element here. On modern format, there was not many flying unit on fire element. We won't see the forgotten one below:


Forgotten One was a very good choice for these two combination ruleset: what doesn't kill you (enrage ruleset) and Noxious Fumes (poison ruleset). buffed by two martyr, he could be unstoppable. However as I said above, earthquake killed it by ruining their team mates.

Based on the existance of ENRAGE ruleset, or what doesn't kill you ruleset (I hate to type this one, weird naming), we could simply guess that Possibilus the wise was more dangerous than Kelya Frendul, because Possibilus boost more melee unit than Keyla. in addition to that, having +2 health during Noxious Fumes could give the team a massive boost too.

Ok, I won't blabbering too long this time, this was how the battle progressed


  • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. Overall My team was faster than their team, however they have more health point due to Possibilus the wise buff, +2 health point.
  • My opponent had 10 melee damage, 2 range damage and 1 magic damage. Combined all they became 13 damage per round. They still had double strike from coastal sentry and trample ability too from Possibilus the wise.
  • My team had 12 melee damage, 3 range damage, and 2 magic damage. Combined all they became 17 damage per round.
  • This battle was a bit paradox. My team came with some defensive line up coming in with more offensive approach while they team playing more defensively eventhough they had some abilities to go all out.


  • Losing speed made my opponent had to pay massive price. They lost their River Nymph before she could do anything.
  • The poison and earth quake gave damages and this made all melee units on the battle field got a buff from enrage abilities.


  • I should have led by massive margin right now, but I could not get that. Their Coastal Sentry delivered 6 damage twice and that killed my Baakjira. She got third attack from Possibilus Trample ability. It's very dangerous move, 18 damages in one go. That one move only could close the gap my team had created for 2 rounds.


  • Round 4 was the last one. I made the finishing blow... Well not me, but my Noah The Just. It's a 5 melee damage on their Baakjira 5 last health point. A very close ending, Good Game.

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OK what should we talk here? definitely my strategy worked very well, however the end was very close. Let spill points we could take and learn from this battle:

1. Speed could be everything.
The reason they lost was because of speed. My team always move first, their River Nymph died before getting any chance to do anything. Their toad, the Angelic Mandarin, missed it's attack and died without doing anything. In the end, we can say bad things tend to happen on slow units.

2. Expect Opportunity and Sneak Attacks During Noxious Fumes.
Both side, me and my opponent used this. I believed we could expect opponent would bring a cleanse ability user and some healer. Killing those supports first was a good idea, maybe a lot better one rather than storming through the main gate.

3. Playing Defensively worked better on Noxious Fumes.
Well, my opponent actually almost won (although they lost) by not doing anything. Look at their Baakjira, 16 Health points, getting healed 5 points per round. It's a negative approach there, but I believe it works well againts certain meta. So yeah, you can play super defensively here like a turtle hiding inside it's shell.

There are some other points, but I think those 3 are the standout ones. If you have other opinions, please feel free to leave any comments below. That's all for my battle mage secret post today, see you guys again on Splinterlands battlefields!!

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Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art
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