There Are Times When Speed Is Not The One Which You Need to Focus On

Well Hello theere

I would like to welcome you all to my weekly Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets challenge. It is a regular event we have here on HIVE, where we share our Splinterlands battle and talk about it. Today we are having an Reverse ruleset as our theme.

Usually I am making two entry per week, but due to my health condition, this week I am making one only. In this opportunity I will pick a bizzare or awkward battle here. What do I mean by that?

There Are Times When Speed Is Not The One Which You Need to Focus On

I make a bit of bizarre title there, Speed is not the one we need to focus on. Reverse Speed, as its name, is a ruleset about speed, which make slower unit move first and having better accuracy than the fastest unit. The speed is reversed.

However we do not have one ruleset only in a battle, We can get three rulesets. In a certain combination, speed become not the one we need to focus, because the other ruleset or their combination makes something get higher priority.

Ok let's check my battle below

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~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

Here we are guys, a battle on Gold League Modern Format. Because this is a modern format, so it's valid to say that my opponent is a human, not a bot. I like this battle because my opponent and I have different element, different approach on what meta we used. Anyway before we go more, lets check the rulesets first:


This ruleset was a mess, many might not notice it yet, but at the first glance, I knew this was unique, messed up, and I needed to ignore some logic and went outside the box.

The first one, of course our main theme today, reverse ruleset. This one was a no brainer one however the other ruleset were bugging it. The second one was Maneuver, which gave a reach ability to all unit on the battle field. This meant that having any extra melee attack behind would be a good approach because they could join in attacking the front line.

The third and the hardest one was Back To Basic, which meant all unit would lose all their abilities. All units would be ability-less and their worth would be decided by the numbers only. Back to basic was a tricky one, because this put mage above the others.

And don't forget we still had that 13 Mana Cap, which limit everything. So I picked these logics in building my line up:

  1. Getting as many unit in. This would be useless but having Back to Basic was changed this one from useless to be a potential surprise.
  2. Having some melee as filler, because they could hit from second line. The fact was this, my opponent chose this approach too.
  3. I must build up damage number above 3 per round, it's a basic approach on any small mana cap battle.
  4. Magic as important, so I must had one incase my opponent came with thick armors.

OK let check the battle:


  • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. Because we had this back to basic ruleset, only our summoners could make the buffs here. In general my Kelya +1 Speed was a self debuffs here, weaken her own line up or my lineup.
  • My opponent had 5 melee damage from the start.
  • My team had 4 melee damage, 1 magic damage and 2 range damage. Combined those all, we had 7 damage per round.
  • Overall their individual units were battle, however as a team... I believed my line up was away stronger than them.


  • I owned the first round, my team killed their Antoid Platoon. This made the second round start with 2 vs 5 condition. This condition was super bad for them, because I had twice units than theirs.
  • In this round both of us lost a unit. They lost their Radiated Brute while I was losing my Cruel Sethropod.


  • Round 3 was the last one. Their fiend would not win against 4 units there. Good Game

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That a simple battle, I always say this for any small mana cap battle. Oh that's simple!!

Well, the fact is not like that. Small mana cap need you to think twice, it is not hard but more like playing paper-rock-scissor... Guessing which one your opponent would pick, and we pick the counter.

1. Exploiting Speed Is Not What Matters Most

I was guessing my opponent would go with Tarsa, because Kelya Frendul was the bad apple here. Reverse Speed Ruleset made her debuffing her own team, and for most people this would be a big no to go with.

That's true, however sometime people forget armor is the best defense against any melee attack, and that's why we have piercing ability so melee can bypass armor. But forget about piercing because that one had a back to basic ruleset. In another words, which summoners you pick for this ruleset combination will give you the same result.

If both give same result, then why bother avoiding Kelya Frendul. As I say in the title, this is when speed is not the one you need to focus on.

Check the battle video then... You will see my opponent always moved first, made the first kill, but in the end they got eliminated. They failed to notice that their speed dominance during this Reverse Ruleset made them lost others that more important...

2. Back To Basic Specialist


Some cards are seemed to be design to excel during Back To Basic ruleset, for example this one... Cruel Sethropod. Sethropod is an good 3 mana card for a tank position, it's weakness is that he doesn't have any ability at all, however during back to basic ruleset... everyone gets debuff of losing all abilities, but it means something normal for Cruel Sethropod here.

One of my key winning point was Cruel Sethropod. It's absorbing massive melee damage. Yes he died first, but that's after absorbed 13 damage.

That's all for my battle mage secret post today, thank you for reading my post here and see you guys again on Splinterlands battlefields!!

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Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art
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