SATURDAY SAVERS CLUB Update - My Q3 Preparation

Hello guys,

Another week, another new my #saturdaysavers post

Soon we will close Q2 2024, 2 weeks left precisely. I think this is the right time for me to start preparing things for Q3. Because this is a #saturdaysavers post, so I will describe what I have been preparing related to this post.

HIVE Bomb ?

Hive price is at low right now, several time it's tested on $0,25, which I believe it is a major support zone. In term of positivity and optimism, we can say HIVE will rebound and this is exactly the right time to buy massively, let's BOMB HIVE right?

Unfortunately I do not think that way. It's not about spreading FUD or being salty about salty. It's more like getting the right and objective thought. Support can be broken and the price will dip more.

Debatable, I agree if this is the right time to start DCA-ing (Dollar Cost Averaging), which we can buy hive several times with small amount. But doing the mega bomb or buying YOLO with whatever you get regardless it is big or small, is always risky and frankly speaking... We can call it reckless.

So this is something I need to prepare a lot, in term of getting the resources and thinking twice or more and doing more due diligent on. I need to make sure that changing or switching portfolio from other crypto to $HIVE is the right move.

I am a guy who believe that I must at any cost, not to put my eggs on one basket. So part of this is not about which one is better or not, but more like getting a new composition or distribution of my crypto assets.

New Secondary Target

I see my secondary target about ALIVE tribe token is getting accomplished. Soon, maybe this month or the worst one next month, It will reach the target. The time comes for me to start thinking over about what should I set next for the secondary target. I have three option right now which are:

  1. Keep on targeting ALIVE POWER (AP) which means I only need to set new volume as the target, mostlikely 9.000 AP. This one is easier however I feel it's a bit dull, like no fresh challenge at all. One of the reason I like to change target after it's accomplished is to give a new challenge, a new ambient and refresh my mood and spirit.
  2. Trying to become LION by picking LEO as the new secondary target. I think I have said this several times, but LEO is the tribe token that I have been avoiding until today, because it's too expensive for me. If I pick this, my target will be 1.000 Leo Power (LP), however mostlikely I will fail in achieving my main target which is HIVE POWER (HP). Why? because LEO will drain many of my liquid HIVE and I need those as backup in pushing up my HP growth.
  3. Set HBD as my new secondary target. Having 1000 $HBD saving as a goal, seems fun for a start. But it will give me some conflict of interest because I need stable coins to be available for liquidation incase I need fresh fund for anything... let say someone dump Splinterlands GF cards and I want them, let's liquidate HBD then. So I believe there will be clashes especially when I want to keep but I need to take them out at the same time.

Anyway do you have any feedback or input on this? or maybe you want to recommend me a new alternative... Please feel free to comment below, as I am welcoming all inputs and views on this issue.


My primary goal is to grow my Hive Power as good as possible. A goal must have a target so I have decided that my primary goal is to reach 11.500 Hive Power (HP).

My goal is to have 11.500 HP this year, not an easy one but of course it is very possible. Let's start this one by checking my HP Growth recap right now:



This week is better than the previous week, however it is still below target. I believe next week will be worse because I do not make posts this week and I rely much on my author rewards to build up HIVE POWER (HP).


My 5 $HBD per week saving saga still continues this week, I just made this week saving here:

So here is how my $HBD savings I have:


My $HBD saving now reaches 280 $HBD, not something impressive however seeing my saving grows steadily, give me a feel of satisfaction. As I always say in previous updates, I have no target for HBD saving, don't know if I will have one in future. Right now, or at least for this month, I am happy with this condition.


My secondary saving targets are HIVE second layer tokens, and at this moment I have set the priority target is $ALIVE token and my goal this year is to get 6.000 Alive Power (AP). AP stands the same as HP, which means the staked $ALIVE.

This is my $ALIVE screenshot from my wallet.


and here is the table of my saving progress:

DatePrevious APCurrent APTargetGrowthAP Rank
Q1 20243311.1796.000+848137
6 April 20241.1791.2406.000+61130
13 April 20241.2491.4746.000+225118
20 April 20241.4741.7696.000+295100
27 April 20241.7691.8856.000+11695
4 May 20241.8851.8996.000+1492
11 May 20241.8991.9186.000+1994
18 May 20241.9182.5756.000+65777
25 May 20242.5753.2686.000+69367
1 June 20243.2683.6466.000+37864
8 June 20243.6464.5396.000+89359
15 June 20244.5394.7416.000+20256

I get 202 Alive Power (AP) growth this week, not as big as the last 4 weeks, but I think it's still a good growth. 1.259 AP left to reach my secondary target and I hope I could hit that within this month.


Other than $ALIVE, I am saving these tokens too

TokensStatusLast PeriodTodayTargetGrowthStaking Rank
$THGAMINGstaked201.704201.953200.000 250.000+24917
$PIMPstaked2.3762.4122.000 3.000+36131
$PGMstaked8.0768.1518000 no target+655
$PSXstaked2.0952.1362.000 3.000+4115

Another update with nothing seriously change on this section. But hey... this is other target section anyway, I don't expect anything from this part.


Saturday Savers Club is for anyone who wants to make some saving in any currency for any purpose. The Club is a supportive group of people who every week making some post about our saving plan and update. Some even share tips and techniques or maybe sharing their fun in the process.

For further information and if you want to join into this club, you can do your own research on @eddie-earner. We are waiting for any of you out there to make this club bigger and more exciting.

See you next Saturday...

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