SATURDAY SAVERS CLUB Update - Looking Deeper on CENT


Howdy All

Another Week, Another Saving post. Welcome back to my weekly #saturdaysavers post, a regular post I make every weekend about my HIVE saving goals. This is a part of Eddie earner activity, which you can read more later on the last part of this post.

I would not talk a lot this time, I have body balance issue this time so I am limiting my time of sitting. I need to sit to work, but sitting could make me dizzy because I keep seeing thing moving like a sea sick. It's funny because I have never got the real sea sick.

So in this post I am sharing something that I get from a friend, I keep his name anonymous here. It is the $CENT token, he shared me this post:


I won't talk deep and detail here, everything is written there. I have been DYOR-ing there but due to my body balance issue, I can not think too deep right now. so I am sharing my concern here and some of my input towards everyone who read my post here.

  1. $CENT is an interesting tribe token, I have been considering to add this $CENT to my other target, but due to the large gap I have on my primary target and I have set $LEO as my secondary target, I consider $CENT could distract my focus so I never mention it before on my $Saturdaysavers post.
  2. It is interesting to see a tribe token which can maintain its price. Most of them are jumping off from a cliff or sky diving without parachute. One of the reason CENT can be stable because they put massive effort in managing the Liquidity Pool. However, in my 2 cents, this won't last forever.
  3. In their last post, they said they will pay dividen in $HBD. Ok let's be realistic here, if 15% APR in CENT delegation is interesting because they pay in $HBD, better you do $HBD saving yourself and that even gives you 20% APR which is 5% higher.
  4. I am not saying its a bad idea in term of you do some support to a project on HIVE Blockchain. Right now I even consider to join in not due to profitability, but I like to help some projects here. For example I greatly support CCCEO project which I have mentioned in my previous #saturdaysavers post.

Ok do you have other input? you can share it below on comments.

oh one more thing, on the second part of the post we can read this:

Users who work on the Cent Project can contact us. As a result of a certain evaluation, we will delegate 25,000 Cents for now.

Users who are curating any project or token can contact us for Cent curation. The feature we are looking for here is curation experience. As a result of a certain evaluation, you will receive a Cent delegation of 25,000 (for now). Thus, you can start Cent curation from an advanced level.

The specified delegation amount is valid for the beginning. We will increase our support for the works and curators we like.

You can get an idea of what we pay attention to in this work by examining the accounts that have already been delegated.
@leofinance 100000 CENT
@pepe.voter 25000 CENT
@alt-runner 25000 CENT
@hiro.guita 25000 CENT
@writeandearn 25000 CENT

Maybe @freecompliments @fonestreet @yecier and @stekene can discuss about this, getting free delegation to increase rewards seems interesting. sorry for poking you guys all together here too, because I might forget if I talk to people one by one.

Anyway I am poking my friend @ramadhanight too, he is running Indonesian Hiver which a manual curation account. Maybe you can contact them to know how to get that support.

Ok that's all today, going back to sleep LoL



My primary goal is to grow my Hive Power as good as possible. A goal must have a target so I have decided that my primary goal is to reach 11.500 Hive Power (HP).

My goal is to have 11.500 HP this year, not an easy one but of course it is very possible. Let's start this one by checking my HP Growth recap right now:


I had a bad two first quarters this year, which both quarters were not ended as I planned. The result is that I need more than 2.000 HP growth for each remaining quarters this year if I really want to achieve my target of 11.500 HP. This looks very hard but I have not given up yet.


This week I have got 29 HP from author rewards and I have made 101 HP from Hive Power Up Day (HPUD). Eventhough I made that 101 HP from HPUD, I still do not manage to get weekly target which is 169 HP.

It is exactly what I have said above, the first two quarters put a heavy burden for me to catch up the gap in the remaining time. However $HIVE is very low at the moment, so if I have the opportunity, I might do big power up from buying $HIVE on market.

Who knows what happens tomorrow, next week, or next month... lets keep our spirit up with good positivity




Finally $HIVE drops below $0,2, right now it even is on $0,18. I have started pulling out my HBD from my saving, I will keep converting them to $HIVE which are mostlikely will become HIVE POWER (HP).

I don't know how long $HIVE will go, and I think nobody can know that. So as long HIVE is below $0,19, I guess it is a great deal to convert my $HBD to $HIVE. How about you, do you have different idea? please share it on comment section.


My secondary saving targets are HIVE second layer tokens, and at this moment my secondary saving target is $LEO token and my goal this year is to get 1.000 LEO Power (LP). LP stands the same as Hive Power (HP), which means the staked $LEO.

This is my $LEO screenshot from my wallet.


and here is the table of my saving progress:

DatePrevious LEO POWERCurrent LEO POWERTargetGrowthLP Rank
6 July 2024~2371.000~1046
15 July 2024~3881.000+151836
22 July 2024~3881.000~836
27 July 2024~3881.000~839
3 August 2024~3881.000~839

It is less than 2 weeks to go until we have the next Leo Power Up Day (LPUD). My plan is to power up $LEO during LPUD, with minimum 150 LEO POWER (LP). Today I only have 64, so it is not being pessimistic to say that I will have to gather a bit of liquid $HIVE because I believe I won't get 150 $LEO on time.

However I believe the gap will be smaller due to some price drop on $LEO. I won't need to spend big this time, maybe around 10-15 $HIVE only. I have some plan to increase delegation to Leo Voter too, so my daily $LEO dividend from the voter will increase. However I haven't got enough HP right now, who knows what happens next week...


Other than $LEO, I am saving these tokens too

TokensStatusLast PeriodTodayTargetGrowthStaking Rank
$THGAMINGstaked205.543206.168200.000 250.000+62517
$PIMPstaked2.5512.5752.000 3.000+24134
$ALIVEstaked6.2286.2586.000 9.000+3040
$PGMstaked8.3888.4188000 no target+306
$PSXstaked2.4732.4992.000 3.000+2615

This week my $NEOXAG and my $TGAMING are growing well. the rest are so so. I guess recently I have made a few good post which gave me those token. Well, as long I keep posting on those community, those tribe tokens will keep growing too.


Saturday Savers Club is for anyone who wants to make some saving in any currency for any purpose. The Club is a supportive group of people who every week making some post about our saving plan and update. Some even share tips and techniques or maybe sharing their fun in the process.

For further information and if you want to join into this club, you can do your own research on @eddie-earner. We are waiting for any of you out there to make this club bigger and more exciting.

See you next Saturday...

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