One Card Can Make A big Different

Welcome again to my Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets challenge entry, a regular Splinterlands post on Hive Blockchain. Same as yesterday, today we still share the same theme which is the Shades of Gray, or Neutral only ruleset.

I already share what I think important yesterday, today I want to share something different than my previous Battle Mage Secrets I have posted before. I am sharing two battles, and I share why I win and why I lose on those.

Ok let see what are those battle anyway.

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~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

OK this is our first battle, it's a big mana cap battle which we have an unprotected ruleset there, so there won't be any armors allowed. It is a modern Gold battle and I am having this higher level advantages. Overall this level advantage are too much for them.


On the 3rd round, everything looks very obvious. My team is leading with a very big gap. This becomes a one sided battle.


~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

Now here is our second battle. In this battle I tried to use Grandmaster Rathe to get some advantages with the buffs from Summoners. My team comes with a more defensive line up and their team has a more attacking approach however their attack is focusing on status ailments


Things go with both side fighting equally, until their Uraeus manages to poison my Dumacke Orc and killer her in the beginning of the next turn. On Round 4 it's quite clear that my team is going to lose this battle.

This battle ends in 5 turns

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Those two battles end differently, one with a win on my side and another is with a lose. However those two have the same points we can take.

1. It's Speed Again

I start to sound like a broken tape, do I? Everytime I post a splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets, same as yesterday, I always talk about Speed Speed Speed


However it is what it is. The first battle I win big because Jacek boosts my team speed, and with the help of Unprotected ruleset, all attack become lethal. Jacek's Piercing ability is definitely not working due to no armors, but his speed boosts is what matter most.

On the second battle, although it is quite debatable, but my opponent wins due to having better speed. The speed gap is almost not there, but the thing is that when he hit first although it's just a tiny 1 range damage... those matters

2. Selection on Neutral, One Card Makes The Call

Both battle have one strong card that dictates all. In the first battle I have Drybone Raider. Her +2 range damage with twice attack in a turn does it all.

In the second battle, my opponent has Dr Blight. During this Shades of Gray, Dr Blight becomes everyone favorite.


Personally I believe this Dr Blight is one of the best trump card for this ruleset. It's not only due to his strength, but his status ailment abilities and his small mana (4 mana only) can open some new meta.

In this rulesets, most of the time is not about who have better strategy, but it's more like who have more cards selection available. because in the end, it's only a selection of one element, the Neutral.

That's all for my battle mage secret post today, thank you for reading my post here and see you guys again on Splinterlands battlefields!!

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Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art
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