If You Confuse During Silenced Summoner, Just Go With Speed

Hello there, It's another week, another Splinterlands challenge

I would like to welcome you all to my Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets post, This is my regular Splinterlands post on Hive Blockchain. As usual, every week we have a theme we share with fellow Splinterlands players, and this week theme is Silenced Summoner.

Silenced summoner is a ruleset that muted all summoners buffs and debuffs. Not only that, it disables all summoners abilities too. In the end your summoner can't do anything in the battle. So during this ruleset, my goals are:

  1. Pick the highest level summoners, atleast this will enable you to pick the best units levels in your team.
  2. Get the lowest mana summoners. Regarding our summoners can not do any, just pick the summoners with the lowest mana

It's simple, isn't it... however what should we do if we are kind of lost in building our line up? When that happens, I tend to pick the meta I could build with the fastest speed.

Ok let see that battle of "fastest" speed I am talking about

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~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

OK this is the battle I have picked, It is a modern Gold battle. My opponent and I, both, came using Water Element however we had different meta. They came with a more straight line attacking pattern, which they wanted to knock down my team one by one from the frontline.

My team had different meta. We tried to sneak and shot down their backline unit first. Either a sneak attacks from Uraeus and Pelacor Bandits, or an Opportunity bomb by Kulu Mastermind and Deeplurker. Anyway the reason I picked this meta was simple, let's look the ruleset deeper.


We have a healed out ruleset here. So no more Tank heal and any healing stuff here. Eventually all units would die from running out of health. So I wanted to kill their backline first, because I believe during this healed out ruleset, going gang ho with fast speed is the right approach.

Let see how this battle went:


  • This battle started by both party buffed and debuffed their opponents. My line up was a 6 units team and their team was consisted only by 5 units.
  • Their team had 4 melee damage, 6 magic damage and 3 range damage. combined all, they got 13 damage per round.
  • My team was a melee attackers only meta, so combined all I had 17 melee damage.
  • My team had better fire power and faster speed. This looked bad for them


  • my team should have got a massive lead on the first round, however Venari Wavesmith was doing her awesome job with her protect ability. In the end they only lost a unit on the first round.
  • However their Venari Wavesmith got killed in this round. Her low health made her as the target of my Kulu Mastermind and Deeplurker.


  • This was the point where the real battle started. Both of their remaining units were their core, the cards which carried the whole team. They sacrificed a spot or a less unit to house both in.
  • As expected, none died in this round.


  • This time definitely my Kulu Mastermind would not survive. Atleast he did is job splendidly. Their Djinn Oshannus died too in this round.


  • Round 5 was the last. Good Game

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It was an interesting battle, I really did not like seeing a battle of the same element, however because both of us used different meta, which I mean completely different, so I guess this is a good one because we can see both side have different perspective for the battle.

However if I have to say what key points which made me won that battle, I would share a couple of points:

1. A losing Gamble of 5 vs 6 Battle

It's a 32 mana cap battle, I believe in general, we should go with max units or 6 units. However it's a bit tricky because with below 40 mana cap, usually we only able to bring 1-2 big units only. In my case I chose Kulu Masterminds, but for them, they used two and this made them had to sacrifice a spot.

I am not saying this is a bad move, however if you decide to go with a less number of units than your opponent, you must be very sure about your meta. Your meta should have something that negate your opponent attacks or defense. Did they do this? Almost, but not on distinctive level.

Having Venari Wavesmith was one of the good move they made, her protect ability really held back my attacks in the first round. However this thing only made a one good step, not making a change in whole battle condition.

In the end, Venari Wavesmith died to soon and they started to lose badly.


Yes I know very well, a repetitive lame answer from me. SPEED SPEED and SPEED. For the first two round I had a speed superiority, a term I use whenever all my team members are faster than any of my opponents or none are slower, and this happened due to Baakjira Slow Ability. When Baakjira died, I lost the momentum however they already lost most of their units.

It also explained that starting round 3 after baakjira gone, I had difficulty in eliminating their last two units because they got faster than my team. Good thing happens to a team who move faster in Splinterlands, because they will kill first and their opponent who die first won't be able to do anything anymore.

In this battle I knew well that overall water units were faster the life and fire, so without buff or abilities from summoners, I think water is better than the other two elements.

That's all for my battle mage secret post today, thank you for reading my post here and see you guys again on Splinterlands battlefields!!

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Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art
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