Defense Is Not Only About Healing ~ Buff and Debuff

Ok here we go again, The Battle Mage Secret challenge of HEALED OUT!!!

No Heal whether it is a healing, tank heal, or triage, so what will we do then? Most people come up with the idea of total attacks, I used to think that way too early phase of playing Splinterlands.

My first entry was about using Grandmaster Rathe as the simple hack to outsmart the healing out ruleset. So this time I will say a bit similar, it is about buffing and debuffing.

Defense is not always about healing... and it's not about healing and repair armor... There are some other defense ability, and here we will see the battle of defense without healing and armor repair

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~Click The Image Above To See the Full Battle~

It is a Diamond 1 league of Wild Format. I was using my own account this time, so I did not have plenty of option about my lineup. A Dragon vs Earth Element battle... Where did it start anyway?


It started from the rulesets... 35 mana cap, healed out, close range, and born again.

  1. 35 mana cap, I could use plenty of option but could not go with the biggest. It's a good thing for me, because I would not meet Ridiculous Legendary Units
  2. born again, or a rebirth ruleset... this was very important, and I would go with exploiting martyr ability.

How about the healed out and close range? I believed these two were the based, so it's like we could use any range unit as we like. I had a hunch that swamp bitter could be an ass here


This dude repaired armor and attacking at the same time, so I would go with magic team to nullify his armor repairing. I did aware that this way I would be easily eradicated by Immortalis team. But this was Splinterlands anyway, always had to make a choice with the pros and cons

Let see how this would go then...


  • The battle started with both of us buffing up our team and debuffing our opponents. My opponent focused on speed and I focused on overloading damage to their tank.
  • My opponent came with 10 melee damage and 1 magic damage. Combined all, they became 11 damage per round
  • My team had 7 magic damage per round plus a 2 range damage per round. It's 9 damage per round, lower than my opponent attack damage.
  • This was an interesting battle, both of us focus on our Gladiator. It's Isgald Vorst vs Quora Towershead


  • Looked like the first round was won by their side. It's 5 vs 6 now.


  • They still led the second round, they won the number, 4 vs 5. Their Venari Crystalsmith was very annoying, dispelling the bloodlust on my Quora.


  • Somehow my team started to keep up. When they lost two of their units, their firepower dropped badly because their last unit was an idle card.


  • Round 5 was the showdown, Vorst vs Towershead. Due to Venari dispel ability, my Quora seemed very pathetic here.


  • I guessed both of the Gladiators would die together now. although Isgald Vorst was winning, but I had my Mushroom Seer at 4 magic damage per round, it's too big for them.


  • I was right, both of the gladiator died together. One died due to lost of the slugfest, another got killed by my mushroom.


  • Good game, it seemed they backline defense backfired at themselves here

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This was an interesting battle, because I won by the other ruleset. If it is only a healed out ruleset, I would have lost this battle. My martyr exploitation was the sole reason why I could make a comeback in the middle of the battle.

There are plenty of defensive approach in this battle, let see one by one:

My side:

  1. Baiting with martyr. In order to protect my mushroom seer and queen mycelia, I use two martyrs there. This way their opportunist attacker would not aim them directly.
  2. Protect - 2 armors by Queen Mycelia, although this buff was debuffed by their Noa The Just
  3. Silence - -1 magic damage by Mushroom seer. Although it was a bit insignificant , but It stopped the Venari Crystalsmith from killing my team.

Their Side:

  1. Thorn, a melee retaliation from their Djinn Chwala.
  2. Protect - 2 armors by Venari Crystalsmith.
  3. Dispel - by Venari Crystalsmith, This was their trump card. Without this one, my Quora would have rampaged killing their team badly.

Overall I believed their side was better, because they have rusted and dispel which countered my buffs. But none would win if they neglect defense and going all out attack here. Do you think I win this by luck? OR you have different opinion? please share your opinion below and Have fun playing Splinterlands guys, See you on the brawl!!

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Thank you for visiting my BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding BATTLE MAGE SECRETS challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • thepeakstudio : for wonderful divider art
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