Noodle Again

Good evening everyone and thankyou for taking the time to stop by.

As a fairly new artist I do appreciate anyone taking the time to look at my art works. All feedback is listened to and I hope it helps me grow over time.

Now onto the next piece of terrible art!

Here is a sketch of Noodle from the Gorillaz that I did way back in 2011.

E.V.E was my old name that I signed all my work with for a number of reasons.

  1. I loved the game by the same name 😍
  2. It was a simple one to sign as I have terrible handwriting and writing skills in general. So I kept it fairly simple and a bit more unique and personal to me.

So onto the reasons for this piece.
I started doing drawings around 2010 I think and I kept doodling away over the coming years and slowly progressed from wonky stickmen to semi ok drawings.

If I remeber correctly the inspiration came from the Fell Good Inc. song by them.

I am a massive fan of the Gorillaz and really enjoyed doodling them on numerous occasions. They were some of the first pieces that I managed to kind of bring to life with more detail and colour over the times I tried to do them.

As always I used a 2B pencil and some cheap colouring pencils. I still hate using colouring pencils and really now do prefer paint. I just feel I can do so much more with paint than I can manage with pencils.

One day I may go back and redo some of these but update them with new skills I have learnt and use paint or marker pens instead of the pencils.
I feel it would give more depth to the works and make them a bit more pleasing to the eyes.

I will put a link to my socials below:
Instagram: danwhodoesart

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