Gaming HSBI # 36 Giveaway

Greetings appreciated Hivers



A rough week with lots of news and lots of situations, it's time to go out to clear my mind and plan what's coming up.

I thought about going to the store for a donut but the drizzle made me stay at home :b the day is cold and the sun doesn't seem to be in the mood to appear today in my city xD

I'll be in better spirits soon ^^ and enjoy the day that has just started :b

Una semana ruda y con muchas noticias muchas situaciones, toca salir a despejar la mente y planear lo que se aproxima.

Pensaba en ir por una dona a la tienda pero la llovizna me hizo quedar en casa :b el día esta frio y el sol no parece tiene ganas de aparecer hoy en mi cuidad xD

Armare mejores ánimos pronto ^^ y a disfrutar el día que recién empieza :b

Using the tool we found the winner, and it is: @harharhar





Using the tool we found the winner, and it is: @olaf.gui




How to participate?

Participate with an account (if I find out you use more you will be silenced)

Type the keyword: HiveGaming and Reblogged

Everyone must type the keyword in the comments of this post in order to participate.

Only one entry per person.

Avoid destructive or offensive comments no one wants to see that.... No one!

Bots are not invited

Votes are not required to participate, but support for better prizes is appreciated.

Reblog and let me know in the comments to participate for 1 HSBI

Participa con una cuenta (si descubro que usas más serás silenciado)

Escribe la palabra clave: HiveGaming and Reblogged

Todos deberán escribir la palabra clave en los comentarios de este post para poder participar.

Solo una entrada por persona.

Evitar los comentarios destructivos u ofensivos nadie quiere ver eso.... Nadie!

Los bots no están invitados

No es necesario votar para participar, pero se agradece el apoyo para conseguir mejores premios.
The winner will be announced the following Friday, special thanks to the participants **

Reblog y déjame saberlo en los comentarios para participar por 1 HSBI

The winner will receive 1 HSBI

>El ganador recibirá 1 HSBI

** Solo para recordar la palabra clave debe ir junta ya que si la separan la herramienta no lo toma en cuenta y quedarían fuera del sorteo.**

Just to remember the keyword must be together because if you separate them the tool does not take it into account and you will be out of the draw.

Let's go for more adventures

Translated with (free version)

Other participants: @hatdogsensei, @moonthumb, @poetchick4jesus, @rimurutempest, @vasilstefanov, @theroad2freedom, @familyhistory, @angeluxx, @freesinger, @txrose, @ronnie10, @stekene, @trayan, @nahueldare3627, @vrezyy, @bombus, @soyernesto, @avatara, @freed99, @henruc, @olaf.gui, @prapledragon, @vaynard86, @middle-earthling, @kungfukid, @sieghard1990,

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