Rainy Day Refreshments and Reflections in A Cozy Café

Greetings Everyone Hope you are doing well .!!

So today me and my friend were wandering around Kochi, right? Suddenly, the sky just opens up. I'm talking proper Kerala monsoon stuff - like the clouds decided to empty a swimming pool on us! .

We made a mad dash for this tiny cafe we spotted. Talk about lucky timing! We burst through the door just as it started bucketing down. The place was nothing fancy, you know? Just a cozy little spot

Anyway, we're sitting there, dripping all over the place, and decide we need something to drink. I went for a Sharjah shake because, Its one of those drinks i can never get tired of , and my friend being the health nut they are, gets a cucumber juice.

When our drinks showed up, oh man! My Sharjah shake was like a dessert in a glass. All creamy and sweet .My friends cucumber juice looked like some kind of health potion. All green and fresh. He took a sip and got that smug "I'm-being-healthy" look on their face. But hey, he offered me a taste and I gotta admit, it was pretty refreshing.

We just sat there, sipping our drinks and watching the rain turn the street into a mini river. People outside were running around with umbrellas, getting soaked. And there we were, all cozy with our drinks.

There were some mini games and also some books that people can borrow and read in the café too .

I've got this book called "Ikigai" - you know, that Japanese concept about finding your purpose . I'm sharing this bit from the book about how the Okinawans have a tradition called "moai" - it's like a social support group. And I realized, that's kind of what we were doing right then and there. Creating our own little moai in this cafe, you know?

There's this part about how ikigai is at the intersection of what you love, what you're good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for . I kept thinking about this a lot while we were waiting for the rain to end .

You know what's funny? The book's all about finding purpose and meaning in life. But sitting there, watching the rain turn the street into a river, nursing my probably-not-so-healthy shake, and just vibing with my friend... I felt like I'd stumbled onto something pretty meaningful already. 🤣🤣🤣

As we stepped out into the rain (which, by the way, hadn't let up one bit), I couldn't help but laugh. There I was, carrying around this book about finding my purpose, when maybe, just maybe, I'd experienced a slice of it right there in that cafe.
I left that book on the table. Figured the next person who sits there might need it more than me.

Thanks for Stopping By .!!
And Have a nice day .

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