
Last week was a rollercoaster ride for me, I started the week at the hospital as my health deteriorated terribly.

This year, I have subjected my body to all sort of stress, mental and physical stress. I had also exposed my body to lots of mosquito bite from my second job I had since stopped.

For the duration where I was doing three jobs, I felt like a kryptonite, I felt untouchable, I felt my body was a machine. I pushed myself beyond my limit and somehow, I delivered.

Suddenly, I started getting the side effects of all that stress as consistent migraine, which started since the beginning of this month. I ignored all warning signals of ill health because I felt my body would handle it, my body will fix itself because it has always done that.

All throughout last weekend I was in the hospital. Before then, I was in a terrible situation as I couldn't sleep, I was unable to sit, I was unable to stand, and I also could not walk.

I was in excruciating pain from a swell on my waist and I had a fever, plus I was always having the urge to throw up, but I couldn't.

I felt really frustrated as all medication weren't working until I got admitted.

By this time last week Sunday, I was already getting better and recuperating.

Today being another Sunday since my near-death experience, I couldn't help, but thank God for life.

I couldn't help but be grateful for the gift of life and for my mom, who has always been there for me.

All through my ordeal, she became my strength and the reason I had wanted to get better so she won't have to worry or stress anymore.

Coming back from the hospital by Monday, I called work and requested for two days off, which I was granted.

By Wednesday, I resumed office but I was still frail. A few hours into work, my phone rang, and it was my mom informing me that she had just gotten back from school run (Summer school) and my daughter had gone to announce to everyone at her school that her birthday is the following day, Thursday.

According to my mom, the school is anticipating a celebration, but the problem was that I did not plan for a celebration.

I had planned for a lunch outing and ice-cream with my daughter of which I had hoped to execute with her when I get stronger.

But given how my mom narrated the reactions of my daughter's school people, I knew I had to do something for her no matter how small so she won't be laughed at, as some children didn't even believe it was her birthday the following day.

By Thursday being her birthday, I had gotten cakes and drinks and my daughter was super excited when I arrived at her school with the item. Afterwards, we had a little party which left excitement in the face of everyone.

From Wednesday, we had a blackout. On Friday, my sister called to inform me that the cause of the blackout has been communicated and that someone learning how to drive, ran into our transformer and damaged it.

They were arrested by the police and made to pay for the damages, but not after going without electricity and water for few days.

Normally, I would have been devastated by such news of the blackout, but instead, I sourced for an alternative to charge my gadgets and luckily, my neighbor connected electricity for water from the next compound using a different line, and we got some water which carried us.

By Saturday, we attended a missionary program and my mom wanted to see her sisters afterward as they lived close to where we had gone for our missionary talk.

We didn't finish on time and seeing how she really wanted to see her siblings, I told her not to worry, that we'd go today Sunday.

She felt it will cost another money as the place was far from our residence but I told her not to worry that I'll handle the cost. It felt good seeing how excited She got.

Today, we went to my Aunt's and I packed a few of my daughter's belongings so she can spend the week with my aunt and her family as she had always wanted to do.

In all, it was a nice visit and my daughter kept thanking me for letting her stay back. Any little thing she will blow me kisses and yell, "Iove you mommy", lol.

On getting back to the house, we saw our electricity has been restored, which is such an energetic way to start off the new week.

For my week activities, I have lots of crochet projects at hand, and I'm hoping to jump on them and complete some this week, since I feel better.

Furthermore, I hope on improving my engagement on hive and make better progress than before starting this week.

This post is a respons to the August inleo prompt for day 25. You can participate HERE.


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