Motivational Mondays.......let passion fuel you through.

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Good day hivers. I believe we're all doing great. Welcome to a new week. Aarrrggghhh! How did Monday get here so fast! Yesterday was Saturday, right? I mean, we were chilling and relaxing from the stress of the last five days and you're telling me it's Monday already, again? Hahaha, Is this how you feel too? Well let's get motivated, shall we?

Monday for me is the start of a work week, especially when I think about the little minds waiting to glean from my wealth of knowledge and experiences.

Passion for what I do and the positive results that come from what I do is my motivation.

There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than following your passion_in a way that serves the world and you_ Richard Branson.

I believe this quote sums up all I have to stay. Find passion in what you do for it is the fuel that will drive you to strive for the best.

Also be intentionally positive as you go about your day. Keep in mind that you cannot control how other people act or behave towards you but you sure can control how you you react or respond to it. So you see the power is in YOU.

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Do you remember G.I.GO, garbage in garbage out ( from my computer class).
You and only you can allow in what is good and exit what is bad to you. You can also set mini goals for yourself for the week and do your best to accomplish them. It's all in YOU.

So I leave you with these few words. Stay positive,stay peaceful and stay passionate.

Have a great day

Thanks for reading being here........ Shalom

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