Unattainable heights

Unattainable heights are what pessimists sometimes talk about thinking that neither they nor the people they communicate with can achieve anything more than the bar they have drawn in their unbelieving brains.

As they say sometimes things happen that we cannot even dream of because a lot of what happens in life is definitely not us and not our merits and work experience.

There are many examples of this for example you can hear thousands of stories about poor students in school who surpassed straight-A students in intelligence.

Professors can eventually become beggars, and the students they stabbed to death on the exam will become leaders in some scientific field.

Another thing is that reaching some heights can instill some boredom in the heart what to dream about when everything you dreamed about has been achieved, lol?

I remember how once I climbed a rock that seemed impregnable.

The joy lasted for a few minutes, but standing on the rock I thought that there were no other rocks nearby that I wanted to conquer and I didn't want to climb this rock a second time.

That's probably why I like to photograph the moon where I definitely won't end up it will always remain a rock in the sky where I won't be bored again after conquering it.

It seems to me that the greatest happiness of reaching heights that you couldn’t dream of happens in those moments when these heights are not invented by us but they look like random obstacles that people give in to afraid to overcome them.

So one day looking at my Renault a resident of one village said that I wouldn’t be able to drive along the country road connecting my location and my destination but I took the risk.

The holes in the road were such that you could hide a dump truck and an excavator in them but my minivan gradually overcame all the unevenness of the road and I saw the treasured sign on the side of the road indicating the settlement I needed.

It was comparable to a trip to the moon, definitely.


More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Category:Art, drawing, illustration.
Tools:Graphite pencils B3, B6, B8, HB and 2=HB, eraser, sharpener.
The format of a sheet of paper, canvas:Sheet of paper A5.
Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.

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