Pencil drawing 2023 - Mushroom picker's happiness.

If you think about the reasons why people pick up a pencil then most likely initially it is entertainment a cure for boredom then they start calling it a hobby I am familiar with these stages and, at the highest stage people call it work I have not reached this point yet but it will be interesting to know how a hobby can be combined with work in this direction.

I think that all these stages are divided not only by their name or functionality but also emotionally.

For example if a child could draw a rhinoceros he is delighted I know from my own experience at school during a boring lesson on the last page of a notebook an interesting drawing may appear which you can brag about to other students these are different emotions if you were able to sell your painting then this is already the peak of emotions lol.

And in such a tangle of emotions drawings should probably appear.

I don’t know how you feel about drawing but I want the drawing to have some meaning and some emotions that can be guessed with the naked eye without any explanation.

It's quite easy to show joy it's enough to depict a laughing person if you want to show sadness, then let a tear run down the cheek or a flower lower its inflorescence.

Sometimes you want to show mixed feelings such as fear bewilderment and delight at the same time.

Such a moment can be the moment when a mushroom picker who wandered through the forest for a long time and did not find mushrooms, suddenly stumbled and fell but raising his head above the ground he saw a clearing strewn with huge mushrooms I wanted this surprise that replaced the annoyance from the fall to be at least a little recognizable in my drawing.

As usual I worked with graphite pencils on paper as an eraser I used a newfangled substance called klyachka.

It was not easy for me to understand what a person lying on his stomach in the middle of the forest and trying to get up on his feet after falling would look like and therefore the nag had a lot of work until I found some kind of consensus between my desires to see something and my ability or inability to draw.

The person turned out to be a bit like Gollum who found the ring of power "His Precious" but I think that a mushroom picker seeing so many mushrooms will be no less eloquent in his delight.

I find it difficult to say how much time the work took me in total since I periodically put the drawing aside and after a few days, when there was inspiration and an understanding of how to continue drawing I returned to work in total from the beginning of the work to its completion about a month passed.

Sometimes I had thoughts that the work on the drawing would never end lol but if I came to the forest I will make every effort to find mushrooms and finish this difficult to execute drawing.

More to come!

Enjoy viewing the photos and reading the article!

Have a blessed day!

Category:Art, drawing, illustration.
Tools:Graphite pencils B3, B6, B8, HB and 2=HB, eraser, sharpener.
The format of a sheet of paper, canvas:Sheet of paper A5.
Author:Author @barski. In my publications you will see only my author's works.


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