Why I Think a Trump Presidency Could Be Great for Bitcoin

I have been thinking a lot about the upcoming election and what a Donald Trump presidency might look like for Bitcoin. Sure, some folks make the case that he's just pandering for votes to the Bitcoin supporters at large, but I am not so convinced that this is entirely the case. It's fairly plausible that Trump may be able to create conditions "ripe" for Bitcoin without necessarily having to be an ultra-advocate for the digital currency.


Let's begin with the current Republican position, which is closer to the ideals of freedom, and it is natural for it to actually align with much of what Bitcoin is about: decentralization and control over one's finances. If Trump somehow manages to get the support of the Bitcoin community, it will be one of those quid pro quo situations: he gets the much-needed votes in the vital swing states, and we'll have a friendlier regulatory environment. That, to me, is a good trade-off.

Some even bring up the past comments Trump has made about Bitcoin, claiming that he once rejected the currency back in 2019.

I think that's old new.

Times change, along with opinions. Many senators and representatives who support Bitcoin are already on the job and will hold him accountable. Senators like Cynthia Lummis are pushing for initiatives that stand to benefit Bitcoin, including a strategic reserve. That's tangible progress.

While many other issues will obviously dominate Trump's presidency, his policies could certainly create conditions that allow innovation to move more smoothly. His interest in the Bitcoin industry, as evident through his actions, such as hosting miners at Mar-a-Lago, suggests he's at least willing to learn.

Criticism is one thing, but it shouldn't blind us to the potential benefits. Perhaps Trump just isn't the ideal candidate to represent Bitcoin, but he may be exactly what this community needs to take its next step.

This is not political advice, just one of those random opinions.

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