Indagando sobre la disfagia [ESP-ENG]

Buenas noches familia de hive y todo aquel que tenga el placer de leerme, hoy mientras estaba en mi jornada de trabajo como era de esos días dónde sobra tiempo y solo toca que esperar la hora de salida me dedique a ver un rato tiktok dónde hubo una chica que realmente me llamo la atención y es porque jamás había escuchado del tema pero me propuse a indagar de que era lo que realmente le sucedía y porque es que ha pesar de tener esa condición se ve muy feliz y ese también era uno de los temas que últimamente yo he estado tocando mucho recientemente aquí en el ecosistema y bueno como les contaba ella mencionaba que todo el mundo experimenta dificultad para tragar o dificultad para deglutir si come demasiado rápido o no mastica correctamente. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos esto no es nada de qué preocuparse.

El problema ocurrio en ella cuando la dificultad es causada por una condición llamada disfagia y es que en este momento es que las cosas se tornan color de hormiga para cualquiera que presenta esta enfermedad porque le puede suceder a cualquiera y es que la disfagia es causada por afecciones médicas más graves y puede provocar problemas nutricionales, respiratorios graves dónde sencillamente es una afección que afecta a la cavidad bucal y provoca molestias y dificultad para tragar. Por tanto, las personas que sufren este cambio tienen que dedicar más tiempo y esfuerzo a tragar los alimentos. Dependiendo de los síntomas asociados, la disfagia puede tener mayor o menor impacto en la salud y en la vida diaria de la persona afectada.

Sin embargo esta enfermedad se caracteriza por presentar los siguientes síntomas:

Dolor o malestar al tragar
Incapacidad para tragar
Se siente como si la comida se hubiera quedado atascada en la garganta.
Pérdida de peso irrazonable.

Y algunas medidas que podemos tomar para evitar los problemas causados por la dificultad para tragar incluyen:

Masticar y comer despacio porque es que si tienes prisa, es posible que tengas una mala asimilación de la comida mientras comes y masticas los alimentos es importante para la seguridad de las personas con trastornos de la deglución ya que pueden por terminar de agravar más las cosas con una desnutrición y pérdida de peso ya que la disfagia causa dolor intenso e incapacidad para tragar, lo que dificulta comer adecuadamente y provoca deficiencias nutricionales graves.

Así mismo, se recomienda picar bien los alimentos y partirlos en trozos pequeños para que sea más fácil de masticar.

Y como ya habrás leído, la disfagia es una condición que puede derivar en complicaciones graves y suele estar asociada a otras enfermedades importantes del organismo y dependiendo de los síntomas provocados, este cambio podría ser peligroso si causa problemas.

Por tanto, la opción de tratamiento más adecuada es diagnosticar la patología que provocó la disfagia y consultar al médico sobre rutinas y hábitos diarios que ayudarán a mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes con la enfermedad.

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Good evening hive family and everyone who has the pleasure to read me, today while I was at work as it was one of those days where there is plenty of time and only has to wait for the time of departure I spent some time watching tiktok where there was a girl who really caught my attention and it is because I had never heard of the subject but I decided to investigate what was really happening to her and why is it that despite having this condition she looks very happy and that was also one of the topics that lately I was wondering what was really happening to her and why is it that despite having this condition she looks very happy and that was also one of the topics of the day. that despite having that condition she looks very happy and that was also one of the topics that I have been touching a lot recently here in the ecosystem and well as I was telling you she mentioned that everyone experiences difficulty swallowing or difficulty swallowing if she eats too fast or does not chew properly. However, in most cases this is nothing to worry about.

The problem occurred in her when the difficulty is caused by a condition called dysphagia and it is at this point that things get really bad for anyone with this condition because it can happen to anyone and dysphagia is caused by more serious medical conditions and can cause nutritional problems, serious respiratory problems where it is simply a condition that affects the oral cavity and causes discomfort and difficulty swallowing. Therefore, people suffering from this change have to spend more time and effort swallowing food. Depending on the associated symptoms, dysphagia can have a greater or lesser impact on the health and daily life of the affected person.

However, this disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

pain or discomfort when swallowing

Pain or discomfort when swallowing
inability to swallow
inability to swallow
Feels as if food is stuck in the throat.
Unreasonable weight loss.

And some steps we can take to avoid problems caused by difficulty swallowing include:
Chewing and eating slowly because if you are in a hurry, you may have poor assimilation of food while eating and chewing food is important for the safety of people with swallowing disorders as they may end up making things worse with malnutrition and weight loss as dysphagia causes severe pain and inability to swallow, making it difficult to eat properly and causing severe nutritional deficiencies.

It is also recommended to chop food well and break it into small pieces to make it easier to chew.

And as you may have already read, dysphagia is a condition that can lead to serious complications and is often associated with other important diseases of the body and depending on the symptoms caused, this change could be dangerous if it causes problems.

Therefore, the most appropriate treatment option is to diagnose the pathology that caused the dysphagia and consult the doctor about daily routines and habits that will help improve the quality of life of patients with the condition.

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