Art and it's Numeric Value - Asian Girl by Vitalina


From time to time, I look through nftshowroom for some art. In the past, I never actually understood how human beings place a numerical value on art. It has always been at the back of my mind, probably because my mind works like an engineer.

It wasn't until I did my research for a reforestation project for Borneo. I visited the Timber research center in Sarawak to study more about timber. How demand for wood is driving mass deforestation and accelerating the destruction on our own habitat and why they continue to drive our own species to extinction. In the research center I learn about timber molecular structure, timber processing, density, flexibility and saw many different kinds of timber on display, many of which is extinct and some are on the verge of extinction.

To my naked eye, they all look almost the same, with just slight differences on the structure of its grains. So, i asked the director of the research center, how are these timber priced and what is it based on. The answer he gave to me then, became my foundation for art and it's numerical value.

The numeric value of timber is firstly decided based it's rarity. How hard is it to attain that particular timber, and how that particular timber becomes rare or close to extinction starts from one tycoon who love that particular timber and made something beautiful with it, and that individuals peers want to compete therefore they did another beautiful thing with it, and then those who aren't as successful wants to mimic their success starts making something beautiful with it and then the cycle continues. As for the loggers they just keep logging because the more they log, the higher the price of timber would be. That is how price for an item is driven.

But if course, NFT isn't driving the world to hell. However, the numerical value of NFTs is pretty much driven the same way. This is precisely why I believe that @vitalina 's art would one day appreciate in value because she mints only one or two of each of her art. And why would it catch on in value is because most of her art carries a slightly dark gothic representation, and if you break that down into statistics of people who goes down that path, the numbers are huge(purely my sentiment).

So, that is it. Short sweet and simple on how price are driven. I'd you haven't grabbed one of her work. You should do so today and this Asian Girl is my primary choice for her work.

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