HiveDiscoMod Update: Community Posts Feed Delivery.

It has been 6 months since the public lunch of the HiveDiscoMod bot, and almost 5 months since its last major update and the addition of the delegations rewards distribution functionality.

The aim of the bot was to give people and communities the tools they need to moderate and run communities in a more efficient way, using lists and other functionalities.

Empowering communities to decentralize power concentration of larger curation projects, by enabling the communities to reward their supporters by distributing curation rewards to their supporters based on their delegations.

The bot has gained some popularity due to its swiss-knife like functionalities, and it's currently deployed on 46 Discord servers.

Serving their needs for an easy access to profile and community stats, private lists, and their curation rewards distribution projects.

Moreover, it is currently set up and distributing the daily delegations curation rewards for 5 communities.

Throughout the time since the bot's initial inception, it has received many small fixes and updates, to speed up and improve its functionalities and stability.

Some of the minor updates that have been implemented since the last update:

  • Community comment search filtering:
- Filter comments in the community by approximate word count:
This is so one can easily look up genuine engagements in the community, not ones where someone is leaving "cool post, I like it." Kind of comments.

- The option to filter-out comments made by bot accounts:
Same as above, the tokens' bots clog up the comments search sometimes, so this option eliminates those from being included when searching.

  • Command for up-vote and down-vote mana by an account:
When curating through the !vote or /curate command, you can drop below that 80% voting mana easily.

This is a quick way to check the voting power on an account (If you don't type in an account name, the set curation account will be the default.)

  • Can't use the curation command to vote an older than 7 days post.
    Previously, using the curation command would vote any posts that are out of the curation window (aka older than 7 days.) This can happen by mistake or whatever, so now the bot will not vote posts that are past their payout window.

  • Lists now show an overview of the profile names that have records stored in them, when selected from the dropdown menu.
    This is for convenience, a quick look at all the account names that have been added to a specific list.

  • Added the new Binance account for memo searches.
    Binance has recently switched to a new account for withdrawals, this is now included when searching for common memos of a user.

  • General improvements to how the bot runs and its handling of some errors.

    There was some minor rare issue for example where some tasks would get canceled when HiveSQL is having a bad day or 2. This has been mitigated, and tasks should keep running regardless (they won't perform the intended purpose when there's an outtage, but they will pick up and keep going once such outtages happens.)

Community Posts Feed

Finally, the most recent update and the addition of Community Posts Feed delivery to a Discord server channel near you.

For those that are already familiar a bit with the bot. You'll notice a new button when calling the Community Interface.

Posts Feed


Clicking that button, should take you to the channel selection page, where you select which channel in the server you'd like to receive the feed of new posts that get published in the community in.
postsdelivered.jpg Once the channel is selected, hit that Start button, and enjoy!

The bot will check for new posts and deliver them to the selected channel in a 10 - 15 mins intervals.

Final words

The posts feed functionality doesn't rely on Hiverss or any third party bot. It directly fetches the posts from the blockchain.

The main reason for integrating community posts feed is because it was needed in a few of the discord servers that I'm involved in, and implementing it was a necessity because HiveRSS is timing out a lot when being used with general rss bots like monitorss, which caused them to repeatedly stop after few attempts.

Your Friendly Discord Bot Of Choice For Your Hive Community Needs!

All content and images are mine, unless stated otherwise.
Β© 2023 @yaziris.

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