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Help! We need 3 Hive to build a court community for individuals who wanna justice regarding any organization.

Help: we are a bunch of colleges student trying to fight for any individuals who have grievances regarding any organization, we need 3 HIVE to start a community in the HIVE ecosystem, please donate, thanks a lot. Our project is 1000% open-sourced. And welcome anyone to join us to build this court community, we judge the guilt of any organization together.

We are a community for people's court, we stand up for any individuals to fight against any organization.
We fight for any individuals who have any grievance regarding any organization. No censorship, Speak out about your experience to stop their evil. We hold the Presumption of guilt, unless there is obvious evidence showing the organizations are innocent, they are guilt by default once anyone posts any grievance regarding them.

Please come and join us to speak out your grievance regarding any organization, we help you promote it.

"To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world."
-- Declaration of Independence

We are an opensource project, 1000% open source.

The reason we wanna start this court community

The starting point is because one of our team members suffered something really unfair in his school -- Polytechnic School of Arizona State University, the school swallowed more than $4,000 DOLLARS from his pocket. He posted his experience(@aaronwng/1-in-innovation-and-corruption-asu-swallows-my-money-i-was-threatened-to-shut-up) on Reddit, which was removed by some manager. We are so angry with what happened here. We are enough of censorship, enough of no channel to speak out our grievances as an individual.

We then decided to build a court community which only accept any grievance from individuals to any organization, let the people judge and know their evils. We plan to simulate the process of the lawsuit, we will have a jury, have defendants, have accusers who are selected from the community members. We will provide a great user experience on search the guilt of any organization so that we can stop their evil. We talked with a lot of friends, they are all very excited about what we are going to do.

After we did some research, we selected HIVE as our construction ground because of the blockchain and the prosperity of this big family.

We have finished our first version of the UI/UX design, constructed our codebase( and CI/CD( pipeline, bought the domain name(, we are so well-prepared to start this exciting project, while we now stuck on apply for a community in HIVE, we only need 3 HIVE to get this community started and continue our development! If you think this is a good idea, you are more than welcomed to join this project, either by contributing your code or donate some HIVE to help us build this community!

Thanks for your time, hope we can get together to fight against these F*** big organizations!

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