2024-09-08 - Hive Inbox - Landing page updated. WebApp Updated

Updates on self-funded Projects by @sagarkothari88

Updates on Project "Hive Inbox"

Today, instead of working on HiFind, we decided to finish pending to-dos in Hive Inbox.

WebApp Button on Landing page

WebApp Button on Landing page

  • On Landing Page, we have added "Open WebApp" button.
  • With this, hive users can also try web-app if they don't want to download app.

Screenshots on Landing page

Screenshots updated

  • As highlighted in the screenshot above, we've updated the landing page.
  • These updates also includes new screenshots of mobile-app
  • With this, user gets the impression of the app even before trying the app.

Character Encoding Issues

  • We've fixed character encoding issue for HiveSigner based login.
  • It is also fixed for Posting Key based login.

Character Encoding Issue

  • However, we are still facing character encoding issue in hiveKeychain & hiveAuth based login.

Encoding failes when sending data to HiveKeychain

  • Encoding is failing when sending data to HiveKeychain.
  • We'll look into this tomorrow & fix this issue at earliest.
  • We don't have any other to-do left in this project.
  • We wish to ship updated build on AppStore & PlayStore at earliest after these fixes & switch back our focus to HiFind

To-dos for Hive Inbox App

  • ✅ Inbox > WebApp should show buttons to download Apps
  • ✅ Inbox > Landing Page should show button to open web-app
  • 🤦 Inbox > Special characters like emoji - encoding issues
  • ✅ Inbox > Update screenshots of Landing page

To-dos for Hive Hound / HiFind

  • ⏳ HiFind > More filters may be
  • ⏳ HiFind > Allow user to view author's wallet activities
  • ✅ HiFind > Is post 100% powered up?
  • ⏳ HiFind > Allow user to view curation history with that author
  • ✅ HiFind > Log in with Keychain, HiveAuth, HiveSigner & Private key
  • ✅ HiFind > Account Switching
  • ✅ HiFind > Drawer Menu
  • ⏳ HiFind > View Post with HiFind
  • ⏳ HiFind > Ignored authors
  • 🗒️ HiFind > Dart to HTML & HTML to Dart issues
  • ⏳ HiFind > Upvote within HiFind
  • ⏳ HiFind > Comment within HiFind
  • ⏳ HiFind > Ignore specific authors
  • 🗒️ HiFind > Mark post as read & hide it in next search

Self Funded Projects

  • ✅ Hive Inbox - Beta Released - https://inbox.the-hive-mobile.app
  • ⏳ Hive Hound - In-Development - https://hifind.the-hive-mobile.app
  • 🗒️ Hive Polls (upcoming)
  • 🗒️ Hive Stats (upcoming)
  • 🗒️ Hive Witness Vote (upcoming)
  • 🗒️ Hive Donate (upcoming)
  • 🗒️ Hive Secure Chat (upcoming)
  • The Hive Mobile App (upcoming)
  • 🤔 💡 If you've any dApp idea, please share. It can be next here.

Rewarding Hive Content Creators

  • I support several contests hosted by different communities.
  • I reward them with Hive-Power-up for the contribution that they have made on communities on Hive.
  • We keep transferring portion of hive power to different users on Hive for encouraging them for their contribution on Hive.
  • Those who respond to our replies, we also reward them with different tokens like PIZZA, BEER
  • We sent hive power up to many people.
  • Here is the full list - @yayan, @sunscape, @ellenripley, @haastrecht, @portal-xenna, @tydynrain

hive power up sent report

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