Recent changes on the Hive Condenser / Wallet

Public repositories

First of all, the Hive Condenser and Wallet repositories are now publicly accessible:

This means you can now sign up for an account on and you will be able to raise issues for the two dApps.

Wallet logo updated

@roelandp sent us a logo for the Wallet so it is now uploaded to
Hive Wallet logo updated

Refreshing the Proposals page

The proposal page was a bit dull with just texts and no clear separation between the proposals.

  • I've first tweaked the loading state a little bit by adding the spinning loading indicator.
  • I then applied a similar styling to our list of posts and comments.
  • I also added the avatar of the proposal creators to make the page a bit nicer.
    New Hive Proposals page design

Minor CSS and localisation fixes

@eonwarped did some minor fixes for the styling and translation


My work involved in this release is not huge compared to the reward I usually get from this type or report so I've decided to set @eonwarped and @roelandp as 20% beneficiaries of this post. Thank you guys for your work for Hive.

Vote for my witness
Support @quochuy Witness.jpg
On Hive, Witnesses are playing the important role of providing a performant and safe network for all of us. You have the power to choose 30 trusty witnesses to package transactions and sign the blocks that will go in the Hive blockchain. Vote for me via HiveSigner to support my work for the community.

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